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Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Steve Aoki And Ummet Ozcan’s “The Melody” Is Mediocre

Ummet Ozcan has found himself party to some questionable collaborations of late. Steve Aoki and Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike are infamous for their scarce contributions to any track released with their collective or respective names on them - so how come this track, on which all four producers were supposed to have collaborated, sounds absolutely nothing like Ozcan?

Ummet Ozcan has found himself party to some questionable collaborations of late. Steve Aoki and Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike are infamous for their scarce contributions to any track released with their collective or respective names on them – so how come this track, on which all four producers were supposed to have collaborated, sounds absolutely nothing like Ozcan?

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The song’s intro sounds like a kitschy imitation of a suspenseful action movie theme until a synth lead that follows the same chord progression imposes a measure of video-gamey Dutchness on the arrangement. After several measures, it builds up predictably to a blaring and entirely interchangeable drop.

Good work, guys, you took the one artist in the room who actually knows how to produce and gave him little to no creative input. Ummet Ozcan‘s career must be doing pretty well if he gets to preview two A-list collaborations in one week, but you have to wonder if his music is suffering as a result.