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Donald Trump flirting with VP shortlist instead of redesigning sneakers could lead him right back to court

Maybe he will sell $999 satin silver Trump socks next to pay for this lawsuit?

Donald Trump golden sneakers lawsuit
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

MAGA supporters are probably mooning over the fact that their favorite 2024 election candidate’s plan to pay his pending $542 million penalties is to sell golden sneakers with a T (that could stand for anything from “Trump” to “Trashy”). So, here we were, trying to decide whether it is high time someone sat down to find if Donald Trump has any functioning brain cells left, only to discover that his master plan actually has all the potential to end up being a legal disaster. But what is Trump doing? He is busy conjuring smoke for his dream dollhouse.

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The $399 sneakers — which were being sold on eBay for as high as $5000 — were probably already giving the ex-president a headache as the non-MAGA population seemed to have cracked the code of how they were manufactured — by spray painting golden paint on white sneakers to give them a look that is ripped off from $18-$20 shoes easily available out there.

But clearly, Trump and his clearly very bad advisors didn’t stop at creating clown shoes that had no room for originality or innovation — they appeared to have shamelessly copied Christian Louboutin’s trademarked red sole mark in the world-renowned designer’s branded shoes. 


Rotten luck? No, given the 91 felony counts against the former POTUS and his hobby of committing fraud, it seems more like he didn’t give two hoots about blatantly copying someone else’s creativity. But, in what could be a very unfortunate fact for Trump, Louboutin has all the power and resources in the world to sue His Lowness. And everyone, especially legal experts, is doing a stellar job of ensuring that this outrageous infringement of rights doesn’t escape his notice.

Political commentator and CNN analyst Maria Cardona has also identified the sneakers as “yet another lawsuit in the making” in a chat with RawStory, echoing the sentiments of lawyer and TV host Sunny Hostin who commented during her appearance on The View that Trump might end up courting another hefty fine.

But it’s not like the issue has only been noticed by legal experts.

In fact, it has been pointed out that Trump definitely didn’t stop at copying Louboutin’s red soles.

Given Louboutin’s history of suing and winning when it comes to ensuring that the brand keeps its copyright over its designs — particularly the red soles — Trump should definitely do everything in his power to avert the very plausible catastrophe. But, nope. He is instead focusing on fabricating a list of potential running mates when Hell freezes over, the population of America gets a collective amnesia, and he becomes president again.

So far, his list includes former Democratic presidential primary candidate and US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard,  biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, Florida Gov. and Trump’s former election competitor Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.),and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. Oh boy, Marjorie Taylor Greene must be heartbroken, but she had ample warning in advance that seeing her inability to be a true Trump-ally, he will probably dump her when it comes to choosing his VP.

But what dear Marj is probably not considering is the fact that the tacky shoes Trump debuted in hopes of clearing his mounting penalties might end up adding another towering stack of fines to it. Looking forward to seeing what he decides to debut [read: steal] next.