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Explosive New Uncharted 3 Trailer Doesn’t Skimp On Action

Those in attendance at Gamescom today, received quite a treat from Naughty Dog. The developer revealed a new trailer for Uncharted 3, then went even further by playing through the teased section during a press conference.

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Those in attendance at Gamescom today, received quite a treat from Naughty Dog. The developer revealed a new trailer for Uncharted 3, then went even further by playing through the teased section during a press conference.

If you weren’t excited about this game before, you certainly will be now after watching the short trailer. It’s action-packed and looks absolutely stunning. Within its running time, Drake is shown infiltrating an airfield, causing his requisite amount of chaos.

Thanks to CVG, we also have a video recording of the demo being played on-stage. You can check out both below.