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Fans decide the least believable thing about ‘Quantumania’ is a simple question of fidelity

Of all the ridiculous things in this movie...

Janet van Dyne in the Quantum Realm Ant-Man and the Wasp
Photo via Marvel Studios

There are a lot of questionable science and story elements in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, but Marvel fans have determined the most unrealistic plot point of the whole movie.

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Certainly makes you wonder if there was more going on between Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Kang (Jonathan Majors) than we were shown. Perhaps there was another reason she didn’t want to go back into the quantum realm; introducing your husband to your ex whilst being trapped in a subatomic world has definitely got to be awkward. Although she did have a relationship whilst trapped for those thirty years, just not with who fans suspected.

Of course, you can imagine the state of the comments and replies to the tweet. Most responses were generally thirsting after Majors, but can you blame them? Whilst the rest wholeheartedly agreed that the pair definitely had been up to something during those 30 years. Well, if the fans all agree, we guess that makes it canon in the MCU now? Many even thought that the filmmakers were directly implying that there was a relationship between Pfeiffer’s character and Majors’s villain. It all comes down to reading between the lines, and some people have read very deeply.

Poor Hank seems none the wiser to the obvious hanky-panky going on behind his back. But then again, if your romantic competitor is Jonathan Majors, maybe it’s better to live in the bliss of ignorance. Of all the issues with the third Ant-Man installment, this may be the worst offense the movie has committed yet. It’s one of the few things the fan base seems to unanimously agree upon being unrealistic.

Joking aside, Marvel probably won’t elaborate much more on what happened between Janet and Kang in the quantum realm, so it’s really up to the viewer to fill in the blanks.