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‘He’s so emotional’: Construction crew member rips client’s mailbox off her home when she dares to complain

Did he forget there was literally a camera pointed right at him?

@davidlife1 on TikTok
Image via TikTok

Lodging a complaint these days can be risky business. It can lead to the wildest situations, like being doxxed, or even receiving a Google invite to a parking lot beatdown.

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In this case however, the complaint led to an angry worker showing up to a woman’s door, intimidating her, and then ripping her mailbox out of the wall, before calling her a bunch of names and generally acting like a massive man-child. Luckily the whole thing was caught on a Ring door cam, and was posted to TikTok for all of us to see the glorious meltdown, and the inevitable retribution that would befall the company.


The company is called sierraconstructionservices. Bill Long is the one in the video

♬ original sound – David

According to the caption, the business is called “Sierra Construction Services,” and the worker’s name is Bill Long, although perhaps he should change it to Bill Short, to better reflect his short temper. Long exhibits completely unacceptable behavior in his video, and frankly comes across as quite threatening — imagine this guy showing up on your doorstep and trashing your property. It’s weird how quickly he forgets that there’s a camera there as well — speaking of the camera, the mailbox clearly does block the view, as you can see that everything on the left side is obscured by the poorly-placed object.

Viewers were pretty shocked by the anger on display, with some asking if the woman in the video had filed a police report against Long. According to the original poster, who is friends with her, she has yet to file a report, due to feeling threatened by the guy. Another noted that he, or his workers, clearly didn’t install the mail box very well, if it was that easy to rip out.

They got the wrong house

As the video goes on, Long starts accusing the woman of sending a barrage of complaining texts and emails, which, he claims, led to him firing four people — he also says she made derogatory remarks about his workers. Despite her protesting that she only sent a couple of texts and one email regarding the mailbox, he’s not having any of it, and he storms off while calling her a bunch of names.

The thing is, the complaints and behavior he’s accusing this woman of actually came from the house next door. In his own video covering the drama, TikToker, @tizzyent revealed that Long had somehow got his emails and texts mixed up, meaning his anger directed towards the woman in the video is even more invalid than it already was.


A man identified as Bill Long of Siera Construction Services harasses & threatens a woman at the wrong house. Full video @David

♬ original sound – TizzyEnt

Many want to see the worker punished for his completely unprofessional behavior, although it looks like Sierra Construction Services is trying to cover its tracks. One of Long’s complaints was that he was called out to the house after 7 PM, although the company working hours were listed on Google as closing at 8 PM, but have since been changed to 5 PM, according to the original poster.

So far we haven’t been given any updates on the situation from the original poster, although we can only hope they do decide to file a police report or do something, because this kind of behavior from workers is downright criminal.