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Horny horror lovers demand the genre bring back monster sex scenes

Monsters, sex scenes, and horror β€” oh my.

the shape of water

There’s nothing like a little spooky season mischief to start the most frightfully delightful time of year off right. Witches and warlocks, spells and thrills, and even some less-than-human moments of promiscuity make for spine-tingling and toe-curling magic during the Halloween season.

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A Twitter user shared a hot take about monster sex scenes in horror movies, and Twitter responded accordingly. From those in total agreement to those who think it’s all a little β€” much, horror creatures getting it on has been a popular topic on social media in the last few days.

The original Tweet simply states: “we need more monster sex scenes in horror movies,” with four images that leave little to the imagination. From there, the conversation popped off.


Horror lovers were quick to mention other films with adult content in the creature variety. From Hellboy to Cold Skin, there are several films where you can experience creature pleasures. 


Species was a frequently mentioned addition to the list as well, complete with stills from the movie and gifs.

The Howling was a spiritual, er β€” sexual awakening for some horror lovers. 

Shape of Water was also well-known for its mature content, specifically the scene in the snapshot in this Tweet.

Another comment notes that viewers would like to see scenes like this outside of horror too. It doesn’t have to be spooky and demonic; they also want creature cuddles (and more) in other settings.


Sure it’s not for everyone, but no one is signing up for kink-shaming either.

Regardless of what side of the proverbial fence you’re on, there’s an audience for sexy content with monsters, and there’s no shame in their game!