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‘I’m banned from Russia’: Enemy of the State Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals why no country wants her within their borders

Can we just leave her on an island somewhere where she won't be a nuisance?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Getty
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

On today’s episode of what the heck is Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on about, the Congresswoman has been claiming that Ukraine has deemed her to be an “enemy of the state.”

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In yet another rant posted to X (formerly Twitter) Marj decried the support being sent to Ukraine as well as stating President Zelensky “is a thug who doesn’t deserve a single American tax dollar.” Gee, I wonder why Ukraine doesn’t like her. That’s not very Christian is it? But then again, we all knew she never really had any such values in the first place.

Anyways, she also claims that she’s been made an enemy of the state by the Ukrainian government, and also mentions that she’s been banned from entering Russia. For most people, being so disliked that a country has to ban you wouldn’t be something to boast about, but not MTG, she wears it as a badge of honor.

If only it were possible to get her banned from the U.S. as well — or better yet, banned from the planet, just launch her into space or something. Checking up on whether what she’s saying is true yields no results, so it’s not clear if Greene really has been labeled an enemy of the state or not, but if she has, can you really blame Zelensky?

Her bold statement about Zelensky never having “one single American vote for him” also doesn’t really make sense, considering the fact that voting for him in the U.S. is not actually possible. Unless she’s actually dense enough to think that citizens of the U.S. voted the Ukrainian president into power. And if she means it as a way of saying Zelensky doesn’t have support from people in the U.S., or that Congress hasn’t voted for support measures, that’s also untrue; and the replies underneath her own post prove that many still want to support Ukraine.

Also, despite her claim of being banned from Russia, the state media over there has been giving her generally positive coverage, according to an article from CNN, which has lead some to call her out for spouting pro-Russian propaganda.

The reason for that is because of her campaign to end any U.S. financial aid and supply of weapons to Ukraine; she’s been harping on about it for a while now, and it was only a matter of time before she had a tantrum over it. Having a meltdown when she doesn’t get her way is what she’s best at, after all.

She’s even gone as far as stating that “Ukraine is not the 51st state of the United States.” Her grasp on history astounds me. I could have sworn Ukraine really was the 51st state! Maybe she’s smarter than we give her credit for, (to all the Marjories in the room, that was sarcasm).