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Inappropriate enthusiasts name their picks for the most unintentionally hilarious movie scenes

Have you ever felt bad for laughing at a supposed-to-be-serious scene?

Bradley Cooper in ‘American Sniper’
via Warner Bros.

Wonderfully twisted movie fans are picking the scenes that are supposed to be serious but made them laugh out loud.

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Redditor Owen_The_Owl910 began this discussion by requesting “unintentionally hilarious” movie scenes, excepting those from The Room, Tommy Wiseau’s so-bad-its-good drama-that’s-actually-a-comedy, because it “would be too obvious.”

However, that didn’t stop another Redditor from casting their ballot for The Room.

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Instead of The Room, Owen_The_Owl910 picked (perhaps uncoincidentally) two recent John Travolta movies. The first is 2019’s The Fanatic, a thriller directed by Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst and starring Travolta as a celebrity stalker. It has a 15 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and, counted among its ridiculous scenes, is one where Travolta’s character accidentally kills a maid.

“Every time I watch that scene, my severe depression is cured,” the Redditor concluded.

The other Travolta gut-buster is 2018’s Gotti, the 0-percent-RT-rated biopic about the titular mobster. The Redditor picked the scene where Gotti’s “son starts a bar fight and Travolta [who plays Gotti] is angry at him and finds him at a house and starts slapping the shit out of him.” An honorable-hysterical mention is the scene where Gotti whacks a man in the shower.


Travolta stinkers aside, ArizonaRon98 made the highest-upvoted selection of the baby scene in American Sniper. The obviously fake infant “got a good chuckle in the theatre.”

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Not far behind ArizonaRon98 is Spinwheeling’s selection of the man who comically falls into the Titanic’s propeller in Titanic.

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Others added their anecdotes about this hilarious scene:

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The bronze medal pick is the infamous basketball scene from Catwoman, which SmurfBearPig countered with the baseball scene from Twilight.

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If you know of any more movie scenes that made you LOL despite their serious subject matter, please let us know on social media.