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inFAMOUS 2 Will Reward Players Based On Their inFAMOUS Trophies

With the release of inFAMOUS 2 just around the corner, its development team at Sucker Punch have announced that they will be rewarding players who took the time to play through its predecessor. Cole McGrath's latest adventure will be altered based on the decisions you made in his previous quest, through a new trophy importing feature that scans the first game's list for your grand (or dastardly) accomplishments. Once the list is scanned, the game awards you specific bonuses based on the trophies you were previously awarded.

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With the release of inFAMOUS 2 just around the corner, the development team at Sucker Punch have announced that they will be rewarding players who took the time to play through its predecessor. Cole McGrath’s latest adventure will be altered based on the decisions you made in his previous quest, through a new trophy importing feature that scans the first game’s list for your grand (or dastardly) accomplishments. Once the list is scanned, the game awards you specific bonuses based on the trophies you were previously awarded.

To go along with the in-game starting bonus awards, story-related trophies that you have unlocked from the first game will actually alter in-game dialogue and side missions. Revealing how this works and what will be altered would lead to unnecessary spoilers, so you’ll have to find out about these changes for yourself.

Here is a list of the starting bonuses that will be available, depending on whether you’ve unlocked the trophies they’re based on:

– Finished the game on any difficulty: 1,000 starting XP
– Have obtained a Good or Evil Trophy: Start with level 1 good or bad karma
– Have found 25 percent of the blast shards: Energy core (health bar segment)
– Have found 50 percent of the blast shards: Two energy cores
– Certain unspecified “decisions” also result in changes in side missions, Dead Drops and dialogue

In one way, this feature is its own morality test, asking players if they would prefer to have an in-game bonus to aid them in their journey, as opposed to starting fresh without any ‘cheats’ enabled. What will you choose? Let us know in the comment box.

inFAMOUS 2 will light up PlayStation 3 consoles in North America on June 7.