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Is J.K. Rowling still alive?

The Author who lived… past her controversial spree to come back to controversy with a force.

J.K Rowling and Neil Murray attend the memorial service for former Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling at St Margaret's Episcopal Cathedral on December 19, 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Labour politician entered politics as a Lothian Regional Councillor in 1982 and represented Edinburgh as a Labour MP from 1987 to 2015. He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer under Gordon Brown from 2007 to 2010 during the 2007-2008 financial crisis. A key figure in the Scottish independence debate, Darling was chairman of the 'Better Together' campaign, advocating to keep Scotland in the Union. He passed away on November 30, 2023, at 70, survived by his wife, Maggie, and their two children, Anna and Calum. (Photo by Euan Cherry/Getty Images)
Photo by Euan Cherry/Getty Images

Sometimes you die a hero… Other times, you may live long enough to harm the reputation of the IP you created. The same IP that shaped so many childhoods with a love of magic and starry-eyed admiration for wizarding schools.

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As anyone who doesn’t live at a lighthouse on a tiny isolated island with no Wi-Fi in the middle of nowhere likely knows, the biggest elephant in the room when it comes to J.K. Rowling controversies is her new reputation of transphobic comments. The latest of which targeted newsreader and trans rights activist India Willoughby –  the first transgender national newsreader in the UK –  for a post she made on X.

So, no. J. K. Rowling hasn’t moved on to the next life. She’s very much still alive and kicking in this one, and seemingly back with a vengeance – and some elaborate mental gymnastics to justify her own prejudice against an already discriminated part of the population.

No one “Avada Kadavred” J.K. Rowling, she’s alive and back on X

At the time of this writing, it was only yesterday, March 4, that J.K. Rowling posted a screenshot on her X account of India Willoughby’s tweet venting, and clearly joking, about “kidnapping” some UK MPs – you know, as many people joke about doing unpleasant things to politicians they dislike (and often have reason to) but have no intention of actually doing anything remotely criminal.

What J.K. Rowling is doing here, for anyone who hasn’t realized, is trying to fit a square into a round circle, or, in other words, using a logical fallacy to advance her own biased opinion. The in-between the lines read: “See? Trans women are just perverted men who want to kidnap ‘real’ women and use their bathrooms for nefarious deeds.” Or, as she tweeted, “cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is.”

The problem is, Rowling being Rowling, her words, actually add fuel to a fire that should no longer exist.

Naturally, the unfortunate comments blew up online, having netizens discussing the newest unpleasant string of Rowling’s discriminatory comments on multiple platforms.

It doesn’t seem like a dialogue is possible when someone who is supposed to be good with words – you know, as a writer – twists them to suit their opinionated agenda. But, thankfully, she’s alive (no one should want otherwise). Here’s just hoping she continues to live it less hatefully.