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Kim Kardashian courts controversy after asking for leniency on truck driver serving 110 years

Strong opinions are being shared after a tweet from Kim Kardashian about a polarizing Colorado criminal case.

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Photo credit: David Livingston/Getty Images

Kim Kardashian recently shared a series of photos alongside the announcement that she’d recently passed her First-Year Law Students’ Examination, or the baby bar, with excitement and pride. She let fans in on the journey it took to get to a place of success, including times when passing the exam seemed like a far-off goal — but she never stopped moving forward.

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Kardashian noted that it wasn’t an experience she had handed to her, it took a lot of work, and her fans know that it’s been something important to her for years. In addition to studying, taking tests, and working towards her ultimate goal, Kardashian has also spent the last few years working within the realm of criminal justice reform.

Kardashian is proving to be an unstoppable force, and she’s not idly waiting until the next big event happens; she’s finding ways to continue helping those who need justice now. So as Kardashian shared a new case on social media just days ago, it took a little while for fans to decide just how they felt about the situation.

Sharing the story of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, Kardashian said she went on a deep dive to figure out exactly what the story was as people had been sharing his name all week.

Kardashian shared details about the tragic situation and the mandatory minimums in Colorado, which tied the judge’s hands regarding Aguilera-Mederos’ sentencing.

Finishing her thread by saying that the Governor of Colorado is a good person, Kardashian says she knows he’ll do the right thing. Still, not everyone was so quick to jump to Aguilera-Mederos’ defense. Kardashian and 4.3 million other signees signed an online petition — many of them truckers who show support for Aguilera-Mederos.

Twitter users share their opinions on the case, and they’re as divided as you might expect.


Some users wonder if the blame lies within him for not doing a pre-check, while others state that the responsibility lies within the hands of the company Aguilera-Mederos worked for.

Another person who agrees with a change of length in the sentence but is not claiming him an innocent man is the wife of one of the four victims killed in the crash, Doyle Harrison. Kathleen Harrison shared this statement with TMZ regarding Kardashian speaking out in support of Aguilera-Mederos,

“I don’t think that we want our local proceedings in any state taken over by who has the loudest mouth out there, because people don’t know all the details, they are running on emotion.”

Several other users on social media shared similar sentiments — noting that Kardashian’s “deep dive” missed some details.


Several Tweets posted information saying that Aguilera-Mederos had opportunities to stop and did not use them.


After the public voiced opinions across the platform all afternoon, Kardashian shared this Tweet, showcasing that the voices on both sides of the equation were heard.

You can find out more at the link above and in the stream of comments on Kardashian’s social media platform.