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Kygo And John Legend Tease Upcoming Collaboration

Mix together equal parts tropical house superstar DJ and prolific pop music vocalist. Let sit in studio for a session or two, or however long it takes for artists of this caliber. Tease thoroughly. Yields: one hit song.

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Mix together equal parts tropical house superstar DJ and prolific pop music vocalist. Let sit in studio for a session or two, or however long it takes for artists of this caliber. Tease thoroughly. Yields: one hit song.

…At least, that’s about how I would expect a collaboration between Kygo and John Legend to go down. Yesterday, the former artist took to Facebook to reveal that the two were working together on a track by posting the following:

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John Legend is no stranger to dance music, having contributed vocals on MSTRKRFT’s 2009 song “Heartbreaker,” and Kygo’s own pan flute-heavy style seems to lend itself to a broad range of pop music vocalists. While only a handful of artists really pique my interest while announcing on social media that they’ll be working on a song, this combination of musicians certainly does the trick.

That being said, I want to know what you think Kygo and John Legend will turn out from their time in the studio together. Drop a comment below and let us know.