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Latest Sci-Fi News: ‘Doctor Who’ boss plays down Disney’s involvement in the show as fans try to determine the absolute worst DCU movie

It's still all about the same wibbly wobbly timey-wimey shenanigans.

Doctor Who
Image via BBC

Doctor Who fans can’t help but feel excited about all the miraculously pleasant developments over the past year. Not only is Russell T. Davies returning to the series after more than a decade, but he’s also coming back in style by resurrecting David Tennant’s 10th Doctor. At the same time, a lot of people are concerned over the BBC’s new partnership with Disney, thinking that the Mouse House’s involvement in the show will give them an inevitable creative input and with it, absolute disaster.

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Fortunately, Davies has just put our minds to rest by addressing this collaboration in a new interview. As Whovians take a sigh of relief, though, another fandom goes to war over which movie in the DCEU line-up was the absolute worst.

This sci-fi disaster that secretly remade a beloved classic is garnering praise with the benefit of hindsight

barb wire
via Gramercy Pictures

Perhaps no movie is ever really bad, since all it takes for people to change their minds over a particular flop is a little time. Take all the controversial or critically panned flicks that turned into cult classics after a few years. It’s not as if anything really changed about them, it’s just the fact that our perspective changed.

Now, one such cinematic catastrophe of epic proportions which secretly remade Casablanca is garnering new praise on social media. Barb Wire is, by all accounts, an utterly terrible movie, but maybe we treated it a little too harshly.

Black Adam or Wonder Woman 1984; Which one is the worst DCU film to date?

gal gadot wonder woman 1984
via Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder might get a lot of flak for Batman v Superman or even his Justice League, but it’s not as if he’s the only filmmaker in the DCU to have dropped the ball rather disastrously in the past. In fact, fans are now torn between Black Adam and Wonder Woman 1984 in a debate that wishes to determine which film is the absolute worst piece of hot garbage that DCU has churned out thus far. WW84 is the franchise-killer leading the votes, but Black Adam is also receiving its fair share of haters. Whatever you’re going to do, James Gunn, you better do it now.

Doctor Who will always be the show you know and love according to Russell T. Davies

David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor in 'Doctor Who'
Image via BBC Studios

The returning executive producer is continuing to detail his plans to turn Doctor Who into a global phenomenon. Not that it already isn’t, but with Disney coming on board to oversee the show’s debut on streaming, we can expect huge numbers to start pouring into the Whovian threshold in the near future. However, how much of an involvement the American conglomerate will have on the story and the direction might still be a cause of concern. Fortunately, Davies has assured us that nothing has changed as far as their way of doing things is concerned, and nothing ever will.

“I know people are, naturally, worried about American producers having notes on things. Well, don’t be. They’re giving excellent notes,” he told Doctor Who Magazine. “And I’m here to tell you, you haven’t watched a drama on British television in 20 years that hasn’t had American notes on it. Everything is a co-production… it’s really, completely normal. If you want any more reassurance, let me just tell you that we’re about to transmit the words ‘Mavic Chen’ on television for the first time since 1966. It is absolutely the same show.”

There you have it, folks. Russell has spoken, and in Russell we trust.