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‘Like a black mirror episode’: The sauciest social media reactions to Piers Morgan’s interview with Fiona Harvey, the real Martha from ‘Baby Reindeer’

As painfully awkward as it was, the Piers Morgan Fiona Harvey interview was a must-watch, and X agreed.

Piers Morgan/Fiona Harvey
Image via Piers Morgan Uncensored/YouTube

Fiona Harvey, the confessed Martha Scott from the Netflix smash hit Baby Reindeer sat down with Piers Morgan on May 9, 2024, on YouTube to tell her side of the story — here are the most jaw-dropping social reactions to the truly outrageous conversation.

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In case you’re unaware, Baby Reindeer is Richard Gadd’s fictionalized account of his real-life stalking experience. Gadd, named Donny Dunn in the show, took great pains to discourage viewers from investigating who the real Martha Scott was and explained he’d gone to great lengths to conceal her identity, saying he didn’t see her as a villain but someone who needed psychological support.

Before long, though, online sleuths narrowed their sights on Harvey, and she finally admitted it was her, but much of Gadd’s story was untrue, she said, and she agreed to the Piers Morgan interview to clear things up.

‘ … Like a Black Mirror episode’

In her Piers Morgan interview, Fiona Harvey seemed intent on casting herself as the victim, and claimed that Richard Gadd has lied about almost everything. The whole interview had a surreal quality, as RRcpfc pointed out.

via RRcpfc/X

On the Black Mirror topic, MichelleCayton also wrote,


Morgan is a famously controversial British journalist, and some viewers of the YouTube livestream had to set their personal opinions aside for the Baby Reindeer hot gossip, even though Morgan was the interviewer.

via WednesdaysAdums/X

Um, that was awkward …

Based on X’s reaction, Fiona Harvey’s insistence that she isn’t a stalker like the show depicts, and that it was Gadd all along who pursued her, didn’t go over well with the audience, as Sfa7jm wrote,

via Sfa7jm/X

Meanwhile, h_crewe added the following:


But it was hard not to watch

As difficult as it was to bear witness to Fiona Harvey, who if she did even some of what Richard Gadd said she did, seemed to many viewers to have quite clear issues with her mental health, evade Piers Morgan’s questions and contradict her own story, it was difficult not to watch, much like the Netflix show itself. This did not go unnoticed by viewers, according to X.

via wednesdaysadums/X
via Megan Wire/X
via @MissCarrieRose/X

… So what’s the verdict?

Sadly, Fiona Harvey seemed to have done nothing for her credibility when she agreed to the Piers Morgan appearance, and the general tone on X was that Richard Gadd seemed more than ever to have been telling the truth. (She later told the Daily Record that she felt “used” and “set up.”)


Her decision to portray Gadd as obsessed with her also didn’t pay off with some viewers.

via FreddyQuine/X

But what’s clear is that the Baby Reindeer drama that we’ve all been glued to for the past few months is far from over. What was that Morgan told Harvey about a possible sequel to the show? We’ll keep you posted.