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Marjorie Taylor Greene finally wakes up to a Gen Z problem that has been plaguing Millennials for over 10 years

Really Marj?

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

For the first time in her political career — and possibly her entire life — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is spouting off something with some sense behind it.

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Check out your windows for flying pigs, America, because one of our nation’s most embarrassingly inept right-wing leaders is actually complaining about something legitimate. Greene, fresh off pouting about Trump’s mounting legal fees and her inability to rip away the rights of U.S. citizens with impunity, actually tweeted out some sense in the early hours of March 27. She expressed sorrow for Gen Z as they officially enter the workforce to find that the American dream died decades ago, and somehow completely forgot about the generation that preceded them.

Don’t get me wrong, Gen Z absolutely deserves Greene’s — and everyone else’s — empathy. They’re entering a workforce that offers abysmal pay for impossible expectations and brutal hours, alongside a spiraling housing market and the utter incompetence of our political leaders. Its a tough position to be in, but they’re not the first to experience it.

Millennials were, back when we were graduating college to discover the lies we’d been raised on. Lies that inspired hope we’d someday own homes, work jobs that didn’t cripple our ability to have lives outside work, or actually make enough money to live comfortably. We’ve been living under that shattered notion for more than a decade now, but Greene conveniently forgot all about that in her most recent Twitter tangent.

Greene, apparently ignorant of the position she holds, which is tailor-made to address the exact problems she outlined, tweeted out her sympathies for Gen Z in a lengthy post. Noting that Gen Z has been told “they must work hard in school, taking AP high school classes, getting multiple college degrees from woke universities,” only to “end up in a mountain of debt” while trying to “enter a job market that hardly exists for them,” Greene actually hit the nail directly on the head. She was even correct when she added that “young people need hope for their future and it’s our responsibility to create a system that is ripe for opportunity for them,” but somehow neglected to understand how little she’s done, from her position of power, to actually fix things.

While Greene is busy ignoring the existence of Millennials, breaking House rules, and complaining about billionaires actually being held accountable, young people everywhere are struggling to survive. Even people edging in on 40 are drowning, out here, and people were quick to point out just how little Marj has done to help us.

Commenters, some of whom suffer from the exact issues Greene highlighted in her post, pointed out just how many times the 47-year-old Congresswoman has failed to put her money where her mouth is. While she’s busy delivering empty platitudes, she’s also voting against the student debt relief program, which would have helped those of us in a “mountain of debt” to climb out from under it. Numerous calls to action are embedded in the comment section of Greene’s post, but they won’t result in any real effort on her part.

All because Greene isn’t interested in making changes. She’s interested in inciting more anger, more distrust, and more polarization in this country. If she actually took steps to fix the issues she highlights in her tweet she’d have nothing more to complain about, so she’ll keep flapping her mouth, pointing her fingers, and doing diddly-squat to actually help the people whom this country — and politicians like Greene — have failed for generations.