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Martin Garrix And Avicii’s “Hold On Never Leave” Gets An Awesome Fan Video

It's no surprise that a collaboration between Martin Garrix and Avicii would make some serious waves in the EDM world. After its debut at the 2016 edition of Ultra Music Festival, "Hold On Never Leave" has made its rounds online - and while it has yet to officially come out, it's already received an impressive fan video.

It’s no surprise that a collaboration between Martin Garrix and Avicii would make some serious waves in the EDM world. After its debut at the 2016 edition of Ultra Music Festival, “Hold On Never Leave” has now made its rounds online – and while it has yet to officially come out, it’s already received an impressive fan video.

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The video uploaded to YouTube by the otherwise nameless user Avicii Unofficial showcases the lyrics of “Hold On Never Leave” superimposed over a montage of footage from both Avicii and Martin Garrix’s tours. The editing is really where the video shines, though; at first glance it looks like it could have been commissioned by either artist’s team.

…Well, except for a contextual error in the lyrics, that is. I didn’t write the song, but I’m pretty sure the line is supposed to be “‘Cause friends are worth a whole lot more than money.”

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Other than that, the video for Martin Garrix and Avicii’s “Hold On Never Leave” makes for an engaging visual accompaniment to the two artists’ massive collaboration.