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Marvel Comics Announces New Decades-Spanning Wolverine Story

These days, when I think of Wolverine comics, I often tend to think of Charles Soule. After all, not only did he pen the game-changing Death of Wolverine a few years back, but the superstar scribe followed up that with the critically acclaimed Return of Wolverine to assure the next leg in Logan's journey be done right.

These days, when I think of Wolverine comics, I often tend to think of Charles Soule. After all, not only did he pen the game-changing Death of Wolverine a few years back, but the superstar scribe followed up that with the critically acclaimed Return of Wolverine to assure the next leg in Logan’s journey be done right.

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Well, I guess somebody other than the readers also believes Soule’s doing a good job because he’s now been tapped to write Wolverine – The Vigil, a decades-spanning tale set to be included in the upcoming anthology series Marvel Comics Presents, which’ll also contain stories featuring the likes of Captain America and Namor.

Not much else is known about it at this point, but Soule did thankfully offer a few more details to chew on in his newsletter:

“It’s a twelve-part story called (tentatively) ‘Wolverine – The Vigil,’ and each segment is set in a different decade, moving forward and starting during World War II in the 1940s. Paulo Siqueira is drawing it, who is absolutely incredible. It’s dark, almost a fantasy or horror story, and I’m excited about it. Beyond that… wait and see!”


Reuniting with Siqueira doesn’t surprise me too much since the two had previously worked together on Hunt for Wolverine and Superman/Wonder Woman. That said, it’s for the better Soule bring along someone he’s already familiar with for such a massive undertaking.

For more on what the rest of the issue has to offer, be sure to check out the official synopsis:

Three titanic tales celebrating the first decade of Marvel stories! First — an all-new tale of the man they call the Wolverine begins in the 1940s! Then comes Captain America, the first Avenger of World War II still fighting for freedom today! And finally, the untold tale of Namor and the atom bomb!

Marvel Comics Presents #1, Wolverine – The Vigil and all, hits shelves on January 16, 2019.