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Marvel Heroes Unite In Best Secret Empire Teaser Yet

Since late last week, there have been enough teaser images for Secret Empire to cause Steve Rogers to haunt peoples' dreams. In fact, we posted a new gallery of images just this morning that hinted at the involvement of Spider-Man, the Avengers, the Champions, the Defenders, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men.

secret empire united we stand

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Since late last week, there have been enough teaser images for Secret Empire to cause Steve Rogers to haunt peoples’ dreams. In fact, we posted a new gallery of images just this morning that hinted at the involvement of Spider-Man, the Avengers, the Champions, the Defenders, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men.

Now, thanks to what is no doubt the best teaser Marvel has distributed thus far, those suspicions were confirmed via some stunning artwork from John Cassaday and Paul Mounts. Somewhat mirroring the “Divide We Stand” image that was used to hype last fall’s Marvel NOW! relaunch, the “United We Stand” piece brings together Old Man Logan, Black Panther, Captain America Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Rocket, Black Bolt, Black Widow and Deadpool.


As we can see, there will be some involvement from the already mentioned super teams residing in the Marvel Universe, but it’s interesting to see that the Inhumans will be joining the party in addition to some stragglers like Deadpool, who’s certainly a hot commodity right now, so it’s understandable that he be included.

Still, we can’t rule out the possibility of several spinoffs being launched to complement the main Secret Empire book as we theorized earlier. Such a prospect will cause the wallets of completionists to become considerably lighter, but if it does pan out, we ask that they enrich the story as tie-ins for the original Civil War and Final Crisis once did as opposed to feeling superfluous. For now, we’ll just sit back and enjoy the road to the House of Ideas’ next definitive tale.