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MCU fans still refusing to let go by celebrating the birthday of a fictional and very dead favorite

Superheroes are never really gone forever, as long as they stay in the minds of the fans who love them.

Black Widow
Image via Marvel Studios

It’s been eight years since the Black Widow sacrificed her life in an alternate universe to save the world. Of course, it’s only been three years in regular time since Avengers: Endgame was released. Either way, her legacy lives on in the MCU as tributes have been made to her in subsequent movies and today, fans celebrate the day she was born.

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Revealed in Marvel lore, Natasha Romanoff’s birthday is December 3, 1984. She had to go through Hawkeye first, but she managed to win their bid to be the life sacrifice in order to obtain the Soul Stone. It’s the devastating decision and her unexpected end that the fans are grieving. In their loss, they have found a way to honor her and some of these tributes are so touching that it’s a good idea to have tissues nearby.

With a collage of smiles and different looks, it’s as if she was a real person they all knew. It’s as if they went to her funeral and shook her sister’s hand. It may be a bit too much, but it’s touching and that kind of fan loyalty can’t be beat.

Then, there comes a tribute that blows all the others away. With Taylor Swift singing “You’re on Your Own, Kid” in the background, a handkerchief will be necessary to get through this video. It’s not for the weak at heart.

As if taking cues about how to do a proper tribute, this fan also adds Taylor Swift to the emotion. Only this time, the song is “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” solidifying Swift’s ability to make fans cry and be the perfect artist to use to say goodbye.

Put the tissues down and get ready for this one. This fan took a different turn and rightfully so. Of course, Scarlett Johansson brought Black Widow to life and gave her a soul when she wasn’t supposed to have one. The part most fans loved best about her was how bad she was. How much action does a superhero have to give the fans for them to remember her that way?

Natasha Romanoff has been given the proper respect on her birthday, but the Black Widow may not be gone, and Scarlett Johansson playing the role could be far from over as well. When Black Widow came out in 2021, fans got to see her in action again. The way time works in these movies and the way they can shift around in sequence, the fan-favorite may just return time and time again.