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Media Molecule Moving Away From LittleBigPlanet

The understated talents behind both LittleBigPlanet games and all its related colourful wackiness might be drafting together ideas for an entirely new game IP. Speaking to Edge, executive producer Siobhan Reddy hinted that “We’re stepping away from LittleBigPlanet to focus on some new ideas”.

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The understated talents behind both LittleBigPlanet games and all its related colourful wackiness might be drafting together ideas for an entirely new game IP. Speaking to Edge, executive producer Siobhan Reddy hinted that “We’re stepping away from LittleBigPlanet to focus on some new ideas”.

Now to me that sounds like the team have been working on something behind the scenes alongside the Sackboy antics. Just what sort of project this could turn into is anybody’s guess, but judging by Media Molecule‘s impressive track record, it’s going to be rather special.

LittleBigPlanet 2 has managed to break world records by boasting the largest amount of user created content ever in a video game. The game that lets you design games has a mammoth following of creatively charged enthusiasts, so I expect that whatever this studio does next, it will sell a very comfortable MOUNTAIN of units, it will probably be a PS3 exclusive too.