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‘Moldemort!’: Fans think J.K. Rowling turning evil is because her house is infested with brain-melting black mold

We already thought Rowling's brain was poisonous, but we didn't expect that to be literal.

J.K Rowling (C) attends the memorial service for former Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling at St Margaret's Episcopal Cathedral on December 19, 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Labour politician entered politics as a Lothian Regional Councillor in 1982 and represented Edinburgh as a Labour MP from 1987 to 2015. He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer under Gordon Brown from 2007 to 2010 during the 2007-2008 financial crisis. A key figure in the Scottish independence debate, Darling was chairman of the 'Better Together' campaign, advocating to keep Scotland in the Union. He passed away on November 30, 2023, at 70, survived by his wife, Maggie, and their two children, Anna and Calum. (Photo by Euan Cherry/Getty Images)
Photo by Euan Cherry/Getty Images

Once upon a time, J.K. Rowling was a universally beloved children’s author. Her tale of creating Harry Potter as a struggling single mother was inspiring and for years she used her fame and fortune to make the world a better place.

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Nowadays? Well, let’s just say a few years of deeply toxic and spiteful campaigning against trans people has torpedoed her good name and done serious and lasting damage to the popularity of the Harry Potter franchise. A glance at her X account indicates that all she does is post hateful things about trans people and wage war against “activists”.

It’s deeply depressing to see Rowling acting like this. But, in something of a ray of light for Harry Potter fans, there’s now a chance that she may not be entirely in control of her actions. Could her heel turn secretly be the result of dangerous mold spreading through her home that’s affecting her cognitive abilities?

‘Is that why she’s the way she is?’

This picture is Rowling’s current X profile picture and certainly appears to show that black mold is growing up the walls of her house. Given that Rowling has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars you wouldn’t expect her home to be moldy. That said, she’s lived in the country estate of Killiechassie in Scotland since 2001 and, as the property is a countryside house built in 1865, it wouldn’t be surprising if there were damp and mold issues present.

So, what’s the health impact of living with black mold? The National Library of Medicine reports that:

“Individuals living or working in moldy buildings complain of a variety of health problems including pain, fatigue, increased anxiety, depression, and cognitive deficits.”

MedicineNet.com expands on this, saying that people exposed to black mold over a long period can suffer from “irritability”, “concentration problems”, “mood swings” and “mental fog”. Rowling certainly seems more irritable and slow-witted of late, so we think there’s at least a chance that black mold has a firm grip on her brain.

Perhaps inevitably, social media has dubbed her “Moldemort“, saying “nowwwwww it makes sense” and that “black mold poisoning her brain would explain so much“. There’s also a good deal of sympathy, albeit for the mold rather than Rowling:

There are theories that this is merely a bad picture and what appears to be mold could be an out of focus wallpaper design. That said, a self-described expert chimed in to confirm “Black mold expert here. That is definitely black mold.

Maybe we just need to get Rowling out of this poorly ventilated, damp, and moldy house and she’ll return to being the beloved children’s author we all want her to be. Then again, if the mold has taken permanent hold of her brain we may face the beginnings of a real-life The Last of Us apocalypse. Perhaps we should be thankful she’s just being bigoted on X rather than stalking through buildings, making weird clicking sounds, and eating peoples’ brains.