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Pseudonymous Twitter comedian Dril has an interesting theory about the Queen’s passing

Can't argue with Dril.

Queen Elizabeth
Photo by Kirsty O'Connor-WPA Pool/Getty Images

People have different ways of grieving, especially regarding the recent news that Queen Elizabeth II has died in her estate in Balmoral, Scotland. And while it’s common knowledge that she died peacefully due to natural causes, there are those conspiracy theorists who are trying to throw people off course.

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Then enters Dril, with a compelling argument that could explain why the Queen has decided to leave this plane of existence.

The famous pseudonymous Twitter user posted a tweet that simply reads “She died because [because] they dishonored BREXIT”. While the Twitter user didn’t describe who the “they” is, it could be the other countries in the UK such as Scotland and Northern Ireland who voted to remain in the EU, according to the BBC.

The “they” could just be referring to Scotland only as the BBC reports that the country is considering another referendum for independence. These could be logical guesses considering the political landscape that the four British countries are going through.

However, based on the comments and quote tweets left on the post, some people believe Dril was referring to the Queen herself. Queen’s support for UK’s decision is mixed as it is common knowledge that the Royal family has to be impartial regarding UK politics.

Some news outlets such as The New York Times hinted that the Queen doesn’t want to get involved and that she’s against it. However, other outlets such as Reuters reported the Queen intervening as she helped former UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson when it came to the agenda.

Regardless, this “conspiracy” of the Queen being impartial about Brexit got people to approve of his theory. Some could say that she “exited Brexit”.


Queen Elizabeth II died at age 96 in Balmoral and is the longest-running monarch in UK’s history. Concerns for her health were reported a few hours before the tragic news when Buckingham Palace released a statement about the Queen’s health. Unfortunately, her royal majesty was reported dead at 4.30 PM BST.

May she rest in peace.