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The Road To Marvel’s Secret Empire

Deadpool #27

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Coulson suspects

Surprisingly enough, Deadpool #27 is an essential part of the buildup to “Secret Empire”! With Steve Rogers now head of S.H.I.E.L.D., he’s considering a way to use the Merc With a Mouth, and arranges a meeting in Washington D.C.. What he doesn’t expect, though, is for time-travelers from the future to arrive and make an attempt on Cap’s life, hoping to avert the disastrous future.

Naturally, Deadpool winds up played for a fool; the time-travelers don’t survive. Unfortunately for Steve Rogers, though, Agent Coulson is on hand, and he’s an experienced enough secret agent to see through the ruses that Rogers uses to get the time-travelers killed. The issue ends with Coulson beginning to investigate his hero, trying to work out what’s going on…

As you can see, Secret Empire is a deeply political story – one that’s been a long time in the making. Writer Nick Spencer has moved to the forefront of Marvel Comics, charting a powerful narrative in which a hero falls – becoming everything he has spent his life fighting against. At the same time, he’s demonstrating once again that all art forms, including comics, can have the power to act as a mirror to real life; and in so doing, reveal something about the world in which we live.

As we continue to walk the road to Secret Empire, we’ll ensure this article is kept updated, so make sure to keep coming back – now that Steve Rogers is in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D., the world has just become a very dangerous place indeed!