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‘She didn’t steal my man, she stole my problem’: Woman personally thanks husband’s girlfriend for taking her cheating spouse off her hands

That's one less problem to deal with.

Image via jenna1776/TikTok

Sometimes the trash takes itself out, in this case, a woman’s cheating husband has found someone else but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

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The wife, who goes by the name “Jenna444” on TikTok posted a video in an attempt to reach out to the other woman who is called Nikki. Apparently Jenna had tried to reach her on messenger but wasn’t getting a response so she decided to reach out in a more roundabout way: Via a viral TikTok video. Addressing the video to Nikki, she tells her she’s been trying to get ahold of her but had no luck “so I thought I would see if TikTok could do it’s thing and get the message to you here.”


Jenna found out about an affair between her husband and Nikki via a Facebook story in which she saw her husband and the woman at the same lakehouse that the married couple had had their honeymoon at. If that doesn’t convince you of the husband’s scummy behavior then nothing will. Anyways, considering the act that Nikki is complicit in, (along with the main perpetrator, Jenna’s husband, of course) the message doesn’t seem that bad at first, it actually seems like a pretty mature and composed response. 

The most important thing is that I have been praying for God to remove this cheating, narcissistic, gaslighting piece of confusing crap out of my life for quite some time and here you come walking in doing God’s footwork.

When you actually think about it, this is really not good news for Nikki; how much of a red flag does a guy have to be for his wife to actually be thankful that he’s left and found someone else? Jenna does try to warn her at the end of the video as well, telling her all the things that she can expect from this manbaby, “he does not like to be told no and if you tell him no and he’s inconvenienced at all he will replace you.” This guy is a perfect example of why women are choosing the bear.

Anyway, TikTok has certainly done it’s thing as the video currently has over 7 million views and 800,000 likes. But the real question is: has Nikki seen the video yet? It’s definitely a possibility, as others on the app have been sharing the video everywhere and even people from Clarksville have been sharing with others they know to help Jenna get her message out there. In a brief update Jenna clarified that she knew Nikki and that she knew the husband was married, despite this she still chose not to reveal her identity despite people asking.


Now we’re all eagerly awaiting to see if Nikki responds; some are also trawling through comments to see if she’s made her presence known. It doesn’t look like there’s been any kind of response yet, but stay tuned, I have a feeling the drama is about to kick off.