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Slander’s Dead Is A Heart-Stopping Piece Of Trap Music

If you told me that L.A. trap duo Slander released a Halloween-themed trap production that borrows heavily from metal music, I'd laugh in your face. First of all, I'm not crazy about Slander, and second of all, releasing holiday-themed tracks sounds like something that Barry Manilow would do - but I'll be damned if I didn't put this track on and find myself turning up the volume once it got going.

If you told me that L.A. trap duo Slander released a Halloween-themed trap production that borrows heavily from metal music, I’d laugh in your face. First of all, I’m not crazy about Slander, and second of all, releasing holiday-themed tracks sounds like something that Barry Manilow would do – but I’ll be damned if I didn’t put this track on and find myself turning up the volume once it got going.

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Once the distorted guitar arpeggio started, I’ll admit that I was poised and ready to hate everything about it, but I couldn’t deny that the way the unmistakeable trap percussion underscored it just plain worked. Once the vocals gave way to the drop, though, I knew for certain that the stylistic synthesis was a little more evolved than the gimmick for which I’d initially taken it.

Unless Halloween is already too far back in the rearview mirror for you to appreciate a track like this, give Slander‘s “Dead” a listen and let us know what you think in the comments section below.