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‘Sounds like the Conservatives’: Stephen King tells best short horror story with real-life interaction with ‘The Thing of Evil’

Stephen King is living with a demon from hell itself

Stephen King
Photo by John Lamparski/WireImage

Horror author, Trump derider, and national treasure, Stephen King has still got it when it comes to sharing his scary stories.

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King regularly shares his opinions on anything from politics to movies, but in a recent post to X he shared a photo of his pet Corgi, Molly, AKA ‘The Thing of Evil.’ It’s an eerie, grainy pic and the dog has ominous glowing eyes that add to the uncanny feel of the whole thing.

Along with this he shared a chilling description of his hellhound, “She’s worse at night. In the dark. When nobody can hear you scream.” While it’s certainly creepy I’m not entirely convinced – she looks like a good girl to me.

Well, Molly certainly looks like she rose straight from the Mi’kmaq burial grounds. Fans were quick to draw comparisons to the author’s other works, while some demanded that the pup get her own novel ASAP.

One fan thought King’s short yet horrific description could apply to the British Conservative Party as well and as a Brit myself I can confirm it’s an accurate description, they certainly are beings of pure evil and I often wake up in the dark, screaming, when they appear in my nightmares.

Obviously you could also apply the author’s words to the Republican party and Donald Trump. One of King’s favorite pastimes is destroying the MAGA crowd with his witty posts, but perhaps likening his beloved pet to those monsters was a step too far even for him. Either way, I think we’re all in agreement, King’s next novel has to be about Molly the monster Corgi and it has to be called ‘The Thing of Evil.’