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‘Star Wars’ fans share rare praise for ‘The Book of Boba Fett’

It’s easy to hate 'The Book of Boba Fett,' but there’s at least one fan of the show’s second episode, so that’s something, right?

the book of boba fett
Image via Lucasfilm/Disney Plus

It’s easy to hate The Book of Boba Fett, but there’s at least one fan of the show’s second episode, so that’s something, right?

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Lampooned for robbing the Star Wars fandom of the mysterious lore and myth of the galaxy far, far away’s most famous bounty hunter, even the most loyal in the SW community left BOBF with negative feelings. From the lackluster fight scenes and unwanted additions (looking at you, cyberpunk motorcycle gang) to the campiest of finales, there’s not much fans enjoyed about the series.

Just like Charlie Brown’s pitiful Christmas tree, maybe what BOBF needs is a little love. And by a little, I mean one episode. A recent thread on Reddit chose to defy the masses and sing the praises of the second installment of Boba Fett’s ill-conceived Disney Plus adventure.

User ThrawnIsNotAPantoran gave props to the show’s second episode. Directed by Steph Green, “Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine” saw Boba accepted into a tribe of Tusken Raiders. In one of the more trippy moments in Star Wars history, a lizard-like creature crawled up Boba’s nose and apparently into his brain. Somehow, that induced a hallucinogenic effect that gave the former bounty hunter a desert vision. 

The Reddit thread inspired an ongoing conversation on what could have been. Many commenters felt that Boba Fett’s time in Mos Espa was wasted on a flimsy story, and Green’s entry showcased how the series would have been better off focusing solely on Boba’s time with the Tuskens.

As user lacks_imagination put it:

“I would have liked this too. I wish there was more back info about who the Tusken Raiders really are. It is my belief that underneath the strange masks and the noises, they are actually the most beautiful and articulate species in the galaxy.”

Whether or not BOBF will return for a second season has yet to be announced.