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Stephen King won’t let Fox News slide after they agreed to pay $787.5 million to settle Dominion lawsuit

King keeps the heat on Fox.

Photo via Marc Andrew Deley/Getty Images

Earlier today, Fox News settled a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems over claims the news organization made about the voting machines being compromised. Fox peddled lies about the 2020 election and Dominion and subsequently faced a $1.6 billion hit for damages. They settled for $787.5 million. Now Stephen King is calling the channel out for ignoring its own news.

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King took to his favorite social platform (for now) and highlighted the fact that instead of covering the story, which is one of the biggest media cases of all time, they decided to not do that. Apparently the channel has more important stories to cover.

King is referring to Twitter owner Musk’s interview with Fox’s Tucker Carlson recently where he said he wants to develop an AI chatbot that was “maximum truth seeking” and that “tries to understand the nature of the universe.” This is obviously more newsworthy than the company being forced to pay Dominion $787.5 million.

The road to settlement was a long one from when Fox was initially sued in 2021, and a flood of internal communications were released showing that Fox News employees knew talk of election fraud was false but kept airing it anyway. The company’s decision to settle shows that it didn’t really have confidence it would win the case.

Judge Eric M. Davis effectively hamstrung Fox News by ruling that Fox indeed made false statements against Dominion and that lawyers for FOX couldn’t argue that it aired the false statements because they were newsworthy. If the case went to trial, a jury would have to decide whether Fox acted with “actual malice,” meaning it knowingly aired lies or ignored obvious signs about whether the allegations were true.

The allegations of a fixed election came from a woman who says she talks to the wind and admitted her claims were “pretty wackadoodle.” The “evidence” was presented in the form of a memo called “Election Fraud Info” that was forwarded to Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo.

The woman, who is not named in the brief, also said she learned about the fraud using “… time-travel in a semi-conscious state,” per NPR. “Who am I? And how do I know all of this?… I’ve had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl,” the woman wrote in an email shared by Powell with Fox News. “I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live.”

Let’s summarize here. Attorney Sidney Powell sent Fox News a memo citing an unnamed woman who says the wind tells she’s a ghost and that the election was rife with fraud and Dominion Voting Systems are partly to blame. Fox News reports election fraud as fact and repeats the claims that Dominion was compromised.

Dominion sues Fox for over a billion and Fox decides not to go to court and settle. Fox News then reports that Elon Musk wants to make a chatbot. Then horror author Stephen King shows us just how ridiculous it all is. He even followed up the tweet to make it a little more clear.
