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This ‘Bachelorette’ contestant just might be either a classic ‘Batman’ villain, or Ren from ‘Shenmue’

One contestant is either a ‘Batman’ villain or Ren from ‘Shenmue’

Screenshot of Charity Lawson

On last night’s premiere episode of season 20 of The Bachelorette, Charity Lawson welcomed her suitors to the Bachelor — er — Bachelorette pad, where one of them just might have revealed himself to be an infamous Batman villain.

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When Aaron B. (no, the “B” does not stand for “Batman”) stepped out of the limo and into Charity’s heart (possibly), no one expected him to resort to questionable methods of decision-making right off the, um, bat. Yet there he was, a mere moment into making his first impression, informing Charity that he’d decided to flip a coin to determine whether he stays or goes. The song by The Clash danced into some viewer’s heads while Aaron explained that if the coin toss resulted in heads, the two will get engaged, but if it came up tails, he’d take his tail out of there.

Well, nothing like showing the woman you’re interested in that your decision-making skills are rock-solid! While Aaron flipped the coin, one wondered whether Charity was flipping out on the inside. How did she envision her future with Aaron B.? Did “indecisive mess” come to mind? Would he decide how many children he wants by coin toss? Finally, the coin landed, and it was heads. Aaron B. stayed, though maybe Charity was hoping for tails.

Yet the night was still young, so once again, Aaron B. flipped a coin — this time, to decide whether he should kiss this merry woman. He helpfully announced that if the coin turned up heads, he would kiss her, otherwise his lips were off limits.

As he flipped the coin, America wondered (or perhaps just I did) whether this guy might be the real-life version of Batman nemesis Two-Face. For those unfamiliar, Two-Face makes all of his decisions by flipping a coin. Suddenly, it dawned on America (or, again, perhaps just me) that Charity might be Batgirl! And in this exciting scenario, considering the coin again came up heads, Two-Face lip-smacked Batgirl, and she (seemingly) liked it.

It’s a good thing that Jerome Bettis and Phil Luckett were absent in helping call the coin toss, because Aaron B. would not have been so lucky. …But was it really luck?

Fans of the groundbreaking video game series known as Shenmue will recall the character of Wuying Ren, also known as Ren of Heavens. In Shenmue II, Ren made countless decisions between himself and the main character, Ryo, by flipping a coin. He let Ryo call heads or tails and, since you were Ryo, you decided. Problem was, you always lost.

The toss always favored Ren, who later, when it came time for the two enemies-turned-friends to part ways, revealed that he possessed one coin on which both sides are heads, and another coin on which both sides are tails. If Ryo called heads, Ren would reach into his back pocket and flip his two-tailed coin. If Ryo called tails, Ren employed the two-headed coin.

Surely, Aaron B. has a similarly two-headed coin. Charity might be just playing along, but what happens when she decides to playfully offer to call the toss herself, and then call tails? Aaron likely doesn’t have a two-tailed coin, so how will he handle such a plot twist? Regardless, most people believe that the coin-trickster is something of a front-runner… or maybe they should say that he’s heads and tails above the rest.

Maybe Chairty should start flipping coins to decide who gets a rose. That would give the show added entertainment!

In the meantime, Aaron should just give his coin to Charity, regardless of how many heads it has.