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Valve Job Listing Reveals Possible ‘Steam Box’ Development

A new Valve job listing has revealed that the company is developing their own hardware, which sounds like it could be the rumored "Steam Box" console.

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A new Valve job listing has revealed that the company is developing their own hardware, which sounds like it could be the rumored “Steam Box” console.

The listing is for an “Electronics Engineer” that will help the company develop “whole new gaming experiences”. In part the listing reads:

“For years, Valve has been all about writing software that provides great gameplay experiences. Now we’re developing hardware to enhance those experiences, and you can be a key part of making that happen. Join our highly motivated team that’s doing hardware design, prototyping, testing, and production across a wide range of platforms. We’re not talking about me-too mice and gamepads here – help us invent whole new gaming experiences”

Valve’s co-founder and managing director Gabe Newell has stated in the past that the company was interested in developing wearable computer tech, and rumors have floated around over the past few months about a Valve developed set-top box-console dubbed “Steam-Box“. Valve’s Doug Lombardi shot those rumors down prior to GDC, but the above job description clearly indicates that the company is knee-deep in some type of hardware development.

We will have to wait and see what comes out of this, but you can expect that at some point in the future Valve is going to attempt to trade some fancy new video game machine for some of that cash in your wallet.

Source: Engadget