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What happened between Landon McBroom and Shyla Walker?

It's... messy. To say the least.

Shyla Walker Landon McBroom
Screengrabs via YouTube/Instagram

If the situation with the ACE Family, who recently divorced, can be considered to be “messy,” what happened between Landon McBroom and Shyla Walker could arguably be considered even messier.

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Landon McBroom, the younger brother of Austin McBroom, had a five-year relationship with Shyla Walker, and together they have a daughter named Souline. They got on the back of the ACE family and created their own YouTube channel, THIS IS L&S, which would have about 3 million subscribers at its peak. At some point, Shyla posted a video indicating that, while Landon was focusing mainly on boxing, she would be taking over the channel. But this project clearly didn’t take off, as this is one of the two videos that the obsolete channel still has.

Not too long after, Shyla posted to her own YouTube channel a video titled “The truth.” And the truth, as we’ve mentioned, is messier than fiction.

Does it run in the family?

In the aforementioned YouTube video, which is nearly 50 minutes long, Shyla Walker detailed Landon McBroom’s abuse, which she describes as verbal, emotional, and physical in nature. She accused him of, at one point, trying to kidnap their daughter, having handed Souline to an employee named Joe and telling him to leave with the baby. Shyla managed to get her child back upon calling the police. In “The truth,” Shyla includes a video of her and her daughter in the car outside their house. She’s crying, claiming to be scared to go back inside.

Shyla also accused Landon and his mom of trying to steal money from her. She found out Landon’s mother was going through her bank account, and filmed a video of herself confronting Landon about it. In addition, she also had problems with both Austin and Catherine – Austin especially – due to their not respecting that she stopped wanting her daughter Souline to be flaunted online “for clout.” Catherine would post a 15-minute-long public response to her on IG stories, defending Landon as being “innocent,” while discrediting all of Shyla’s allegations.

In hindsight, this attitude makes Catherine seem insincere — especially when she claims, in the same breath that she calls Shyla’s allegations of abuse “lies,” that she’s “a girls’ girl.”

A YouTube comment on an analysis video of the situation read:

“Shyla: Says she was gaslighted and abused.

Catherine: Gaslights her publicly and claims she’s lying.

I’m not the type of person to use ‘gaslight’ lightly, it is incredibly serious. I cannot comprehend Catherine saying she’s lying about abuse like she literally said herself they don’t know each other like that. Such an awful situation.”

The majority of comments indicate that most netizens take Shyla’s side, despite some others not seeming too convinced that she is a completely innocent party in all of this conflict. However, in this case, there’s too much smoke for there not to be a fire at the McBrooms’. If Shyla’s text message receipts on her social media are true, the McBrooms even threatened Shyla’s mother, writing: “You don’t want us to post all the footage we have.” And “Remember – Joseph has it all.”

The law must’ve seen evidence of the abuse Shyla detailed, as a judge would grant her a restraining order against her ex-partner (via TMZ).

More recently, Shyla also sent Landon a cease and desist letter, because he kept posting old pictures of her and their daughter on his Snapchat. It seems that, of the two, Landon is the one prone to posting clickbaity stuff. Some of his posts in recent months include blatant clues that he’s aiming to have another child with a new girlfriend. Through this Reddit post, it’s clear that netizens have long realized things with the McBrooms are often more complicated and problematic than the family wants them to appear.

But with all the evidence that there is online, you get to decide which version of this complicated story comes closer to the truth.