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Who does Paul Atreides marry in ‘Dune?’

The many love interests of the Kwisatz Haderach.

Dune: Part II
Image via Warner Bros. Pictures

Who does Paul Atreides end up marrying in Dune: Part Two, and what is the significance of that union for the future of Frank Herbert’s fictional universe and a potential third movie?

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Dune is a story of humanity and their greatest struggles as a species. It’s a philosophical tale underpinning such ideas as destiny, fate, and prophecy. It underscores and questions religion in the most fundamental sense, and explores how ideologies can be twisted to serve the ambitions of warmongers and cruel men. Dune is about all of these things and more, yet many people will find that their biggest question is whether the messianic figure serving as their incredibly handsome protagonist ends up getting the girl.

You might see how that could be funny against the backdrop of all those serious themes, but even the simple question of the main character’s love interest isn’t so simple in the Dune saga. Is Paul Atreides married by the end of Dune: Part Two, and if so, to whom? Read ahead to find out, but be warned: Spoilers for the Dune saga ensue.

Dune: Part Two
Image via Warner Bros.

While Chani (portrayed by Zendaya) is Paul’s main love interest through the Dune novels, it is actually Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV’s daughter, Princess Irulan, who ends up marrying the Lisan al Gaib.

By the end of Dune: Part Two, Paul manages to defeat House Harkonnen and force the emperor to abdicate. After dueling his champion and winning, Princess Irulan offers her hand to Paul, which he accepts, thinking that it will work to help mend the political rifts caused by this conflict. Paul doesn’t love Irulan, but this angers Chani nevertheless, who leaves the Residency and goes on a mysterious journey of her own.

Chani feels betrayed both by Paul’s readiness to marry Irulan, and because of his manipulation of the Fremen people, whom he has brainwashed into following him against his enemies in a new holy war.

That being said, in the Dune novels, Chani returns to Paul, and becomes his concubine. Paul and Irulan’s marriage remains ceremonial, and Chani ends up being the sole bearer of Paul’s children; twins that they name Leto and Ghanima.

It’s unclear whether Denis Villeneuve’s potential sequel to Dune: Part Two will depict these events as truthfully to the books as the first two movies did, but if that ends up being the case, we can expect both Zendaya and Florence Pugh to be back for the threequel, and spending most of their energy fighting over the new Padishah Emperor, no less.