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Wii 2 Reports Gather Momentum

Following on from yesterday's headline, various sources have been doing a bit of nosing/research/spying to discover the whereabouts of Nintendo’s next console, and if the information is to be believed (which is looking consistent across multiple sites) then we are set for a not-so-surprising-but-a-long-time-coming mega reveal at this year’s E3.

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Following on from yesterday’s headline, various sources have been doing a bit of nosing/research/spying to discover the whereabouts of Nintendo’s next console, and if the information is to be believed (which is looking consistent across multiple sites) then we are set for a not-so-surprising-but-a-long-time-coming mega reveal at this year’s E3.

IGN and CVG particularly have been digging around the Nintendo work bench and both report that the currently unnamed ‘Wii 2’ is a fully functional HD machine with more horse power than both the PS3 and the Xbox 360. Apparently a handful of publishers have already been working on titles for the new tech to lead the frontline release, being in possession of early development units for months, sources are discovering.

It has also been uncovered that the Wii 2 controller is going to be a lot more than a upgraded remote, with rumours of an HD screen built in or attached for purposes we can only imagine. When contacted about this a Nintendo spokesperson played the “no comment” card  (naturally). The standard controller is thought to be an entirely new design while still having motion-sensing capabilities (apparently superior to the PS Move).

Well placed sources also confirm that the console with boast backwards compatibility and will be officially revealed in June this year. It seems that the Wii 2 is expected to launch at the end of 2012. Whatever Nintendo’s wizards are cooking up, make no mistake: this is going to be HUGE.

As you would expect, we’ll keep you updated with any more nuggets of info as they emerge. In the meantime we could think about the implications these revelations might have on pricing and the evil plan for world dominance many have been fearing ? Maybe we should just wait and see eh?