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Zipper Interactive Goes Hands On To Brief Gamers On Unit 13

In one week's time, Unit 13 will be shooting up PlayStation Vita devices in both North America and Europe. You may have decided to pick it up, but might also be on the fence regarding this bullet-filled adventure from Zipper Interactive (SOCOM.) If the latter description is accurate, then you'll want to check out the developer's latest briefing video, where they go hands on to showcase its varied gameplay elements. By it's end, most gamers will feel like they've already played the game themselves.

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In one week’s time, Unit 13 will be shooting up PlayStation Vita devices in both North America and Europe. You may have decided to pick it up, but might also be on the fence regarding this bullet-filled adventure from Zipper Interactive (SOCOM.) If the latter description is accurate, then you’ll want to check out the developer’s latest briefing video, where they go hands on to showcase its varied gameplay elements. By its end, most gamers will feel like they’ve already played the game themselves.

Unit 13 will released in North America on March 6. A European release will follow one day later.