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As Trump’s political bonfire blazes, Marjorie Taylor Greene flaunts ‘House of Hypocrites’ membership

Pot, meet kettle.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images

Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling the kettle black once again as she blasts the House of Representatives — the same governmental body that she belongs to — as the “House of Hyprocrites.”

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The hilariously short-sighted criticism is once again reminding people that the GOP is composed entirely of duplicitous children masquerading as actual adults. While we sometimes forget their utter lack of compassion, intelligence, or understanding of the very issues they use as talking points, they work hard to remind us just how incompetent they are on a daily basis.

As Donald Trump, the de facto head of the GOP and embarrassing smear on the legacy of the U.S. presidency, faces down ever-mounting legal challenges, his most ardent supporters are floundering for any excuse to talk about something else. So when news came down that Illinois has joined Colorado and Maine in removing Trump from the primary ballot, ol’ Marj was the first to arrive on Twitter with the site’s latest inane take.

This time, Marj is proudly trumpeting her refusal to do the job she was elected for, even as she blasts the House of Representatives — which her party currently controls — as the “House of Hypocrites.” She sure is one to talk. Greene has accomplished essentially nothing during her time as a U.S. representative other than further tarnish the GOP’s already abysmal reputation.

But that won’t stop her from complaining about how nothing is getting done, even as she proudly commends herself for getting nothing done. She openly admits her refusal to vote on any continuing resolutions, blathers on about Georgia’s issues without actually doing anything to improve them, and instead spends her time whining on Twitter, playing the blame game, and wasting taxpayer money.

Somehow, even with all the evidence lined up in front of her, Greene isn’t quite bright enough to grasp just how phony she comes off. She’s happy to blast anyone but herself — or her precious Donald — for doing the exact same things she makes her bread and butter, but dare to criticize her and you’re just part of the “woke mob.” Make it make sense, Marj.