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‘Chris Rock getting slapped by Will Smith had more media coverage’: A D-list Hollywood outcast is sad that we’re not still talking about Donald Trump being shot in the ear

Guys, someone desperately wants to be part of the big story again.

Donald Trump assassination attempt
Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

You hear that faint, pathetic whimper in the distance? That sad little noise that sounds like a deflated balloon trying to scream for attention?

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Oh, wait, it’s just Kevin Sorbo.

After his Hercules shtick went the way of the dodo, Sorbo’s career tanked harder than Donald Trump’s casino businesses (just ask his former co-stars, who have been quick to distance themselves from his antics). Now, he’s stuck slumming it in straight-to-DVD crapfests and making humiliating cameos in religious flicks that even the Pope wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole. But rather than gracefully fading into obscurity, Sorbo has chosen to reinvent himself as a vocal Trump supporter, much to the chagrin of anyone with a shred of common sense. Damn, Kev, even the gods are probably facepalming hard.

In a recent tweet, Sorbo complained that the media gave more attention to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars than to a failed assassination attempt on Trump.

Let’s be real, Trump’s popularity is as low as Sorbo’s IMDB rating these days. It’s no wonder the media didn’t give it top billing. The only reason anyone is even talking about the supposed assassination attempt is because of unhinged MAGA cultists like Sorbo, who are desperate to paint their dear leader as some kind of persecuted martyr. However, it takes a special kind of delusional to equate a momentary lapse in judgment at an awards show (that spawned a million memes) to an actual threat of violence against a former president. Then again, this is Kevin Sorbo we’re talking about – a sad, pathetic shell of his former self, reduced to begging for scraps of attention.

Does Kevin really think that the media is conspiring against his Orange Overlord? Of course, he does. In his twisted, MAGA-addled mind, the Democrats, the deep state, the lizard people — they’re all out to get the guy who can barely string a coherent sentence together.

Who knows – maybe Sorbo is onto something. Or, maybe Sorbo is just courting controversy for controversy’s sake, hoping that the outrage will translate into a few extra bucks in his rapidly dwindling bank account. Behold, the “Fight Fight Fight Shirt” t-shirt, featuring a blood-spattered Trump raising his fist in defiance against the evil forces of common sense.

Yep, the disgraced former Hercules actor is now selling T-shirts to fund his Orange master’s campaign (which, by the way, is playing to literal empty seats these days). Maybe a few diehard Trumpers will shell out their hard-earned cash for one of these monstrosities. But for the most part, people have better things to do than to embarrass themselves publicly. Kevin, if you’re reading this, here’s some free advice: Let it go, man.