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‘Congress has enslaved the American people’: Marjorie Taylor Greene goes full-blown Dolores Umbridge with claims about Democrats and firing squads

Let's just hope her version of Educational Decrees aren't soon to follow.

Marjorie Taylor Greene holding up a fist in front of microphones next to Delores Umbridge from 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' dressed in all pink
Photos by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images and Warner Bros.

Unless someone finally muzzles her for good, it seems we’ll never be free from Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s brainless takes.

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We’ve been hip-deep in idiotic Greene-isms for several years now as the 49-year-old Congresswoman does everything in her power to redefine the depths to which Republicans will stoop to stay relevant. She’s scraping the bottom of the barrel with her latest faux outrage, setting her sights on the “Democrat controlled DOJ, federal government, and Congress in general” and proving to anyone watching that she has a toddler’s comprehension of our national issues.

Greene took aim at a range of supposed issues in the U.S. government with her latest post to X, in which she blasted her colleagues and the media for keeping voters “addicted to outrage,” like that’s not her bread and butter. Greene’s favorite tactic is stoking false outrage over non-issues, but she seems to truly believe that the American people are dumb enough to forget that. And, just in case she’s wrong, she’s perfectly happy to lie her way through any social interaction if it means more fodder for her next mindless take.

Her current mindless take is discombobulated enough to come across genuinely confusing, as Greene knee-jerks from one complaint to the next in record time. Her tweet takes aim at everything from Trump’s criminal trial and Steve Bannon’s impending prison time to abortion rights, debt, and the border, and yet she somehow fails to make a single point in the entire overstuffed message.

Greene is, as usual, utterly tone-deaf in her complaints, somehow missing how often she contradicts her own party policies with her objections. It’s a weird look to accuse Democrats of marching their Republican detractors “in front of a firing squad” when it is her side of the aisle, not Democrats, who insist on putting guns in the hands of every American who wants one. You wouldn’t have to be so afraid of a “firing squad” if you just agreed to some gun regulation, Marj.

Then there’s Greene’s whining about everyone headed to prison over the next few years. It reads almost like a troll post as she outlines and even lists all the transgressors who are finally facing consequences for their actions. She notes Trump’s current legal woes — brought onto the former president by his own misdeeds — alongside Bannon’s impending jail time and fellow swamp goblin Peter Navarro’s impending jail time. She even brings up the Jan. 6 rioters who, in the years since they stormed the Capitol, have likewise faced actual consequences.

Greene’s latest tweet is delivered like a parody of the Educational Decrees utilized by infamous Harry Potter villain Dolores Umbridge ⏤ a fitting choice for the despised Congresswoman, who would increasingly resemble the fictional sadist were it not for the massive gap in their intelligence levels. Greene may be a villain of fantastical proportions, but she can hardly spell DOJ, let alone “proclamation” without really stretching the bounds of her vocabulary.