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‘Does Trump have Covid???? He looked awful!’: Lauren Boebert tried to talk more Kamala Harris smack and it blew up faster than you can say ‘Beetlejuice’

Just because Trump is speaking doesn't mean he's making sense.

Lauren Boebert
Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images

It will be a beautiful American day when Lauren Boebert is finally ousted from her position in Congress. How she still has a job at all continues to boggle the mind, but perhaps it’s due to her adamant embrace of her role as a shameless Donald Trump toady.

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She certainly delivers in that regard, even as she fails to deliver a single win for the state she represents, but even Boebert’s desperate fawning isn’t enough to win her fans among the broad American public. And, as Trump’s base is gradually exposed as far smaller, and more insular, than Cheater the Cheeto would ever admit, she’s finding less and less support for her harebrained takes.

Her latest social media mewling saw Boebert praise her candidate for yet another unnecessarily lengthy public appearance, and dually accuse democratic nominee Kamala Harris of “hiding behind her campaign apparatus” and refusing to “go off script.” Her proclamation that “the Presidency is not a job for someone who can’t even handle the media’s questions” didn’t land the way she intended, unfortunately for Beetlejuice Boebert, and instead of support, her grousing prompted largely criticism.

People rushed to correct the record, and inform Boebert that, in reality, Trump “spoke nonstop lies” from the “beginning to end” of his appearance.

Boebert’s own history quickly came back to bite as well, prompting people to inform the flailing Coloradan that “Trump handled the media just like you handled that dude at Beetlejuice.”

Boebert, and far too many of her MAGA kin, seem incapable of wrapping their brains around a very simple concept. Just because Trump is talking does not mean he’s making a lick of sense, and yet they praise the man for delivering 77 minutes of rambling nonsense that proves, hands down, how incapable he is of running a country. They see it as a victory, but they are quite clearly the only ones.

People were quick to note that the “let him speak” strategy is working out great for the Harris/Walz team.

Then there’s the fact that Harris is, in fact, taking unscripted questions from reporters. She’s met with the media several times in recent days, yet the Trump camp keeps up its insistence that she’s “hiding away” and “refusing” to engage in interviews or press appearances.

Boebert’s tweet is yet another example of how hilariously misinformed the far-right is when it comes to the temperature of the American public. Sure, Trump is taking every opportunity to speak, but he’s sinking his chances at the White House with each fresh appearance. Harris, meanwhile, is speaking to the media in measured, carefully-curated instances that reflect the measured, capable leader she will be if elected. Both speaking styles reflect exactly what we can expect from these people if they win in November.

Now its just up to American voters to decide if we want the lying, cheating egomaniac who’s foaming at the mouth, or the considerate, cheery, and evidently intelligent former prosecutor to lead our country.