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Donald Trump assassinates grammar, sarcasm, and all logic, but MAGAs are too obsessed with Mark Hamill to notice

Luke Skywalker strikes back.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to the media outside the courtroom during his trial for allegedly covering up hush money payments at Manhattan Criminal Court on April 23, 2024 in New York City. Former U.S. President Donald Trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first of his criminal cases to go to trial/Mark Hamill speaks onstage at the 81st Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 7, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California.
Photo by Curtis Means-Pool/Getty Images/Photo by Rich Polk/Golden Globes 2024/Golden Globes 2024 via Getty Images

If we weren’t getting daily visual evidence that Donald Trump was alive, thanks to his ongoing court appearances as his criminal trial continues, we might suspect that something had happened and the GOP had secretly replaced him with an AI.

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One of Trump’s latest posts on Truth Social is so lacking in discernible logic and cohesive flow of thought that it would be easy to believe it’s an AI’s impression of what he would post. All of his trademarks are there — the random, needless capitalization, the casual xenophobia, the meaningless tangents, and a ham-fisted attempt to drag down Biden ⏤ but the one thing missing is any semblance of sense or coherent point.

In short, Trump has hit back at the U.S. dollar earning a 34-year peak in comparison to the yen, as the Japanese currency continues to plummet in value. While most financial experts would agree that the rising dollar is a double-edged sword, providing some advantages and disadvantages, Trump is of the opinion that this is a “total disaster” and that Japan would’ve been better off if they had listened to him. And it’s all Biden’s fault, apparently?

See if you can parse any meaning out of this rambling nothing-burger of a social media post:

Image via Truth Social

“The Dollar has just hit a 34 year high against the Yen, a total disaster for the United States. When I was President, I spent a good deal of time telling Japan and China, in particular, you can’t do that. It sounds good to stupid people, but it is a disaster for our manufacturers and others. They are actually unable to compete and will be forced to either lose lots of business, or build plants, or whatever, in the “smart” Countries. This is what made Japan and China into behemoths years ago. I put limits on both (and others!), and if they violated those limits, there was hell to pay. Biden has let it go. Watch them now pick apart the U.S. It will be a”n open field day. Don’t let this happen Crooked Joe. Wake up and smell the roses!”

Let’s just let this sink in for a moment. Yes, this is Trump acting like he’s a financial guru that Japan would be lucky to get advice from, and calling President Biden “Crooked Joe” once again, while he’s literally on trial for financial fraud. It’s a bit like a man on death row giving a TED talk about how to successfully get away with murder.

Fortunately for Trump, the attention was taken away from this empty waffling by none other than his old enemy, Mark Hamill. The Luke Skywalker legend is famed for taking any chance he can to land a potshot at ol’ Darth Orangeus, and he got people talking again with a bold declaration on X (formerly Twitter).

Quote-tweeting Biden’s famous tweet disparaging Trump from 2020, Hamill wrote: “Joe Biden is the best president we’ve ever had.”

Honestly, even Biden’s biggest supporters probably wouldn’t go so far as Hamill is here, but knowing the actor’s fierce dislike for Trump, it’s not out of the question to suggest he doesn’t entirely believe this himself and he’s deliberately trying to get a rise out of the Imperial stormtroopers Trump supporters. If that was his goal then, hoo boy, has he succeeded, as critics of Hamill’s tweet single-handedly got his name trending. Here’s a typical reaction doing the rounds on Conservative Twitter, from user @ArmedPatriot45 (yes, that is their real username):

Again, the hypocrisy levels are off the charts. Trump loyalists are denigrating Hamill for his $18 million wealth and living in an “ivory tower” when the evil overlord they worship is believed to be worth $2.6 billion and… famously owns Trump Tower. If these people lived in the Star Wars galaxy, presumably they would’ve criticized Luke and the rebels for cruelly attacking the Empire’s poor defenseless Death Star.

With the specter of Trump somehow returning to power and the Last Jedi himself saying some slightly questionable things, we definitely seem to be in the sequel trilogy era of modern American history. Forget the Force ⏤ we’ll find out if the country’s common sense awakens in time for the election this November.