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Donald Trump says he might lose his first debate with Joe Biden on purpose, ‘cuz that makes sense

Sure, bud. "On purpose."

Donald Trump
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Donald Trump is well aware of the inevitable embarrassment he’ll suffer at the hands of President Joe Biden in the upcoming debates, and he’s already working to get ahead of the narrative.

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Trump may be a good speaker, particularly when those teleprompters are up and running, but he’s a terrible debater. He doesn’t actually know anything about the office of the presidency — despite his tenure in the position — and his talking points lean far harder on bluster and rage-baiting than actual information.

As a result, he ends up looking like a frothing dolt pretty much anytime he’s asked for clarifying details on his platform. Its partially a result of those scrambled eggs he calls brains, and partially a result of the fact that he doesn’t believe a single thing that comes out of his own mouth.

Trump is also the king of preemptive action, which we’ve now seen play out on several occasions. In 2020, he prepped the world for his loss by claiming months ahead of the election that, if he lost (and only if he lost) the election was rigged in Joe Biden’s favor. He did the same in the lead-up to his criminal trial, tossing out accusations of tampering long ahead of his actual guilty conviction, and he’s returning to the same tactic with the upcoming debates.

In order to preemptively cover his diapered behind, Trump is now claiming that he’ll lose the debates against Biden “on purpose,” in order to rewire his followers’ brains ahead of the actual embarassment. That way, when he faces up to Biden on the debate stage, Trump will have the perfect excuse to fall back on when he inevitably exposes his utter lack of intelligence.

Its all BS, of course, as is anything that stems from the broken mind of the 45th U.S. president, but you can bet your cheery red MAGA hat that Trump will lean on it when the debates roll around. He can lie all he wants about keeping Biden on the ticket — something that’s all but guaranteed regardless of debate performance — but he’s really just bracing the masses for an embarrassing loss.