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George Santos takes a moment from begging his 9 subscribers for money to call AOC a ‘race baiter’

Community Notes can’t even figure out what’s going on.

George Santos at NY Trump rally
Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images

A comedy of errors ensued on X/Twitter thanks to George Santos’ odd response to a post from Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez (D-NY) causing Community Notes to get involved, then uninvolved, to add even more confusion.

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Initially, AOC posted in support of Jamaal Bowman, though it was technically a goodbye, as Bowman lost his congressional seat in the primary. The post has nearly 4 million views in one day, likely annoying Jamaal Bowman — not the congressman, but rather the guy that AOC tagged in her post, who happens to be the wrong person. That guy must be wondering what in the world is going on.

But things get even funnier. AOC referred to him as the “1st Black Congressman for NY16.”

Then, the X info-police, better known as Community Notes, came swarming in and corrected AOC by noting that “Jamaal Bowman is not the first black American to represent New York’s 16th Congressional District.” They even provided receipts, noting that both Adam Clayton Powell Jr and Charles Rangel had represented the district.

This caught the attention of George Santos, who couldn’t help himself by saying, “Race baiter AOC tried to LIE and deceive the American public.” This is incredibly bizarre, considering Santos literally lied and deceived the American public. He even lied to his audience last week when he claimed to be leaving X in order to focus on his Only Fans account — which, unfortunately, is not a lie.

“Community Notes came in for the win!” he added to his reaction to the AOC post.

Then, suddenly, the Community Notes footnote disappeared from AOC’s post. Why? It turns out that they believed they had the wrong info. This is where it gets confusing. Community Notes got community noted as it was brought to their attention that Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Charles Rangel served district NY-13 and not district NY-16. However, they did serve district NY-16. In a feverish attempt to research, they will likely soon realize that they were actually accurate. The confusion is mostly caused by slight redistricting since the aforementioned congressmen were in office.

In a humorous move, they also noted AOC tagged the wrong person.

George Santos has not explained his race baiting claims. Apparently, it’s based on AOC simply referring to Jamaal Bowman as the first Black Congressman to represent the district.

Last December, Santos posted a video on X asking for OF subscribers. The post earned over a million views, but his account now has 9 subscribers in total, each of whom pays $7 per month.

Not to add to the madness here, but Jamaal Bowman is also the congressman who was caught on camera pulling the fire alarm while the house was voting on a funding bill. For clarity, there was no fire, and he claimed he thought it would open the door. He apparently learns how to tell tales from George Santos, who surprisingly, is not proud of Bowman.

Politicians are the constant the punchline of society, even in uneventful stories like this one.