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George Takei weighs in on the newest allegations against Justice Clarence Thomas

George Takei does the revolutionary by stating the obvious: Clarence Thomas is corrupt, and will get away with it.

A MoveOn.Org volunteer rolls up an "Impeach Clarence Thomas" banner outside of the US Capitol after a demonstration where MoveOn.org delivered over 1 million signatures calling for Congress to immediately investigate and impeach Clarence Thomas at the US Supreme Court on July 28, 2022 in Washington, DC
Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for MoveOn

Conservative America doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to operating fairly, legally, or morally, and we now have further evidence that’s true of the right wing of the Supreme Court too. Whether or not you’re shocked about Justice Clarence Thomas being corrupt depends on how much attention you’ve been paying, because for most casual observers it’s been obvious for a while now – as shown by George Takei’s response.

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The former Star Trek actor has long been a leading voice against GOP corruption, often stating the clear and obvious truth that the Republican party bears more resemblance to a criminal operation than a political group, unlike many journalists for prominent organizations who prefer to tiptoe around the facts. And, sadly, it once again appears he’s bang on the money when it comes to the crimes being committed by one of America’s longest-ever serving Supreme Court justices, and the inevitable lack of consequences for the man who’s defrauded the American public.

For two decades Thomas has enjoyed Dallas businessman Harland Crow’s hospitality, receiving perks that would make most influencers cry with jealousy. He’s vacationed on superyachts, flown on Crow’s private jet, visited the billionaire’s massive East Texas ranch, buddied up with him at the exclusive Bohemian Grove retreat, and usually spends every summer at another of Crow’s private resorts.

Defenders of Thomas might argue that judges are allowed to have a life outside the bench, which is true. However, plenty of legal experts have weighed in, saying that his behaviour is beyond egregious. Nancy Gertner, a retired federal judge, stated: “It’s incomprehensible to me that someone would do this.” A former government ethics lawyer added that Thomas had “completely disregarded his higher ethical obligations.”

For a long time in American politics the Supreme Court had a rareified air about it, even though justices have a long and sordid history of being unlearned, unethical, and willing to sanction crimes for those in charge. Many felt that Brett Kavanaugh’s elevation to the highest court in the land after credible sexual assault allegations were levelled against him was a new low, and those same groups were horrified by the unhinged behaviour and opinions of the next Trump apointee Amy Coney Barrett. But among all of the criticisms levelled at those two, many seem to have forgotten that Thomas is almost certainly the worst of the bunch.

Despite growing up poor within a disadvantaged minority, Thomas has long championed a legal philosophy that made it harder for ordinary people to achieve equality under the law. His wife is a conspiracy theorist of the worst kind, propagating election fraud myths and antisemitic conspiracy theories about George Soros, and it is obvious her regressive, dangerous views influence her powerful husband. But the grossest thing about Thomas (before his naked corruption was uncovered earlier this week), are the highly credible accusations of sexual assault made against him by Anita Hill back in the nineties. When combined with his horrific porn habit (and the fact he constantly discussed pornography in the workplace with colleagues, making them incredibly uncomfortable), a pattern emerges of a man totally unfit to be in any position of power, let alone making laws that affect hundreds of millions of Americans.

None of this is meant to shame porn users or sex workers who make their living in the industry, but there’s no doubt that Thomas’ interest in porn goes well beyond unprofessional into the deeply troubling. And these aren’t one-off anecdotes, either. There are dozens who recall his gross relationship with pornography, and the fact he made lurid suggestions to various female members of staff. This is a man who should be on a sex offender’s register, not the highest court in the land.

While being a pervert is not an ideal trait for a justice, one could, in theory, still be a good judge at the same time. After all, being gross doesn’t mean you can’t be fair. However, these newest accusations show that the man is disgusting in every possible way, selling out the American public for a taste of the high life. The fact it’s been going on for twenty years is as depressing as it is predictable, too.

The question isn’t whether or not Thomas will be on the hook for this, but more which convoluted logic his supporters will use to justify it. But at least we have Takei to keep a running tally of all this corruption.