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GOP stupidity strengthens to a Category 5 as Marjorie Taylor Greene predicts how Dems will win 2024

Meanwhile, experts are still unable to locate Greene's missing cerebrum.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images

As vicious storms ravage the United States and put our country’s failing infrastructure to the test, the people we elected to protect our homes, livelihoods, and actual lives are far more interested in protecting their political futures.

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No one expects Donald Trump to even acknowledge the existence of global climate change, let alone sympathize with anyone other than himself, but the Senators and Representatives the American people have elected are a different story. It is among their many jobs to help lessen the impacts of climate change and to address infrastructure failings that lead to the loss of lives, but people like Marjorie Taylor Greene are far more interested in furthering their political aims than protecting American lives.

As severe thunderstorms and devastating tornadoes rip their way through the U.S. midwest, Greene’s got her mind focused on a far more serious issue: illegal votes. It’s been among the Congresswoman’s favorite talking points for years now as she hinges her political future on the same lies and false flags that helped Trump incite an insurrection. The true purpose behind these claims of “stolen votes” couldn’t be more obvious, yet somehow the oblivious Greene still thinks she’s fooling the American public.

Greene, in yet another pathetic attempt to cling to relevance, demonstrated the ever-rising levels of stupidity in the GOP when, in the wake of several devastating spring storms, she put the focus on what really matters: a vote more than six months out. Starting the polarizing narrative nice and early, Greene is back on the “stolen election” train with her latest tweet, which claims that Democrats “are going to steal the election with illegal votes.”

Sound familiar? It should, given it was the narrative that dominated the second half of 2020 as Trump and his followers desperately worked to control the narrative around the election. Had Trump won, all those “illegal” voters they were referencing in the weeks and months leading up to the election would have vanished into thin air. MAGA Republicans aren’t concerned about “stolen” elections when they’re the ones doing the stealing — only when Dems do it. Thus, when Trump lost, it wasn’t due to his abysmal popularity, numerous scandals, or horrific track record as president, but because of sky-high “illegal” votes that Democrats used to steal the election.

The GOP is prepping for the same reality in 2024, and they’re getting started nice and early. Greene, doing her best impression of the far-right’s favorite would-be dictator, is hard at work pushing the narrative on her social media accounts, where she repeatedly turns to claim that, should Republicans lose, it’s clearly due to voter fraud. Not their horrific, inhumane policies, empty-headed schemes, or repeated failures, but “illegals.” They’re to blame for the spiraling GOP popularity, not the GOP itself.

Greene’s latest tweet is clear evidence of how little value the GOP has left to give to anyone, let alone the entire country. She could be addressing any number of the issues that plague Americans on a daily basis — better yet, she could actually do something about it from her position of power — yet she’s spending her time whining about Biden keeping the border open to collect migrant votes.

Even if what Greene says is true — and make no mistake, it wasn’t true in 2020 and it sure as hell isn’t true now — it’s still nowhere near the biggest issue we’re facing. The GOP wouldn’t have to lie and manipulate to get votes if they just did something productive rather than point fingers. Greene could ease the burden of debt dragging citizens down; target real, workable gun control policies; she could even help make the process of voting easier and more accessible for regular American citizens. But, as always, productivity isn’t her aim. Divisiveness is the name of her political game, and — for once in her life — she’s an outright pro.