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‘I’m 1000% committed to Transparency,’ says George Santos, who still hasn’t apologized to his X followers for being a fraudulent dingus

The man reeks of desperation.

George Santos
Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

George Santos is getting desperate. If you need proof, just look to his social media, where the disgraced former Congressman has been happily sharing his slow decline for the world to witness.

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It started with his embarrassing ejection from Congress back in late 2023, after less than a year serving as a member of the House. Things have only gotten worse for Santos in the months since his ouster, as he repeatedly doubles down on the same behavior that saw him ejected, and reinforces on a daily basis just how little sense he has left in his head.

Things really ramped up in August of 2024, when Santos pleaded guilty to “aggravated identity theft” and wire fraud. In the course of a federal investigation, the former Republican Congressman admitted to broad wrongdoing, and claimed that he “allowed my ambition to cloud my judgment.” He’ll officially be sentenced in the case in February of 2025, at which time the 36-year-old could face harsh consequences. His crimes could carry a multi-year prison sentence alongside a hefty fine, but somehow none of this seems to really register for Santos.

He’s potentially got a few months left before surrendering to a lengthy prison sentence — a harsh verdict could land him with more than two decades behind bars — and yet Santos is still acting like a kindergarten bully who got their hands on an X account. He’s broadly ignoring the looming sentencing, instead spending his time on social media swearing that he’s “1000% committed to Transparency” despite the clear evidence to the contrary.

Were you committed to that same transparency when you lied your way into Congress, Santos? Was it transparent of you to stack your resume with untruths, from your educational background to your professional tenure? Or when you failed to be up-front about your criminal history and all those lawsuits against you?

Its a weird flex from a man who’s brand is increasingly associated with lies. Fabrication seems to be Santos’ primary road to success, but sure, he puts transparency first. In the weeks since Santos pleaded guilty, he’s carefully skirted around the issue on social media, instead peppering his X account with weird milk-focused questions and claims about the many failings of Congress. One of which, by the way, was ever allowing this absolute doorknob to secure a seat, even if it only lasted for a few months.

Despite his careful dodging of accountability and efforts to control the narrative, Santos is headed toward consequences, and quick. He can try to erase the facts by chattering on about milk, but the American people’s memory is longer than he’d like to think. We all remember what a shameful excuse for a Representative he was during his brief tenure in office, and we’ve been watching the consequences of his own actions play out in real time.

We’ve also had the chance to witness Santos’ reactions to those consequences, and they are, for lack of a better word, straight-up weird. He dodges any actual conversations about the extremely prevalent issues weighing him down, and instead invites his measly handful of subscribers into secret little meetings, desperately begs for more Cameo traction to pay off his legal fees, and frantically pretends that nothing else is happening. No federal indictments, no fraud charges, just toxic tirades, bad takes, and milk.