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‘I’m kind of like JD Vance’s Mamaw’: Marjorie Taylor Greene doubles down on her intimate relationship with guns, knives, and idiocy

Hiding 19 anything around the house is weird behavior for someone with their mental faculties in working order.

Marjorie Taylor Greene photo credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images, Glenn Close via Netflix

Ever since Donald Trump started campaigning for the 2016 election, it seems every wackadoo in America has seen their chance to shine. Marjorie Taylor Greene is far from the only example, but the Georgia representative can’t help but steal the psycho-center stage every time she enters the chat.

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She took to X.com to flex her bad built butch body for the cameras and prove yet again that victimhood is a state of mind.  

Greene posted a picture of herself wielding a DDM4 V7 AR15 style carbine rifle alongside the caption, “I’m kind of like JD Vance’s Mamaw, they’re loaded always hidden at arms reach, and only I know where they are. But you gotta practice. Knives too.”

If the picture alone wasn’t enough to see through MAGA’s determination to cosplay as soldiers, the advertisement for the rifle really hammers home the NRA’s fantasy of a violent government takeover. It’s that insidious assumption that someday someone is going to try and take what’s theirs, something that fellow awkward Republican weirdo J.D. Vance’s Mamaw feared until the day she died.

Vance wrote incredibly loving things about his hard-nosed grandmother in his autobiographical memoir, Hillbilly Elegy. Despite her death in 2005, he frequently mentions her on the campaign trail sharing “heartwarming” stories about his primary caregiver. The quote Greene is pulling from comes from an anecdote Vance shared at the RNC.

As Vance and his family were going through Mamaw’s things after her death, they found “19 loaded handguns,” stashed throughout her home. “Under her bed, in her closet, in the silverware drawer.” He jovially finished the story saying that near the end of her life, Mamaw’s limited mobility meant she had no choice but to leave loaded firearms within “arm’s length of whatever she needed to protect her family.”

Greene’s comparison to Mamaw doesn’t play very well. The woman is only 50 years old, and regularly brags about her physical fitness. She’s nowhere near the kind of mobility impairment the 72-year-old Bonnie Blanton Vance would have exhibited near the end of her life. So, Greene is bragging about hiding weapons all around her home, not because she is incapable of reacting to danger quickly, but simply because she is terrified some ambiguous evil is perpetually coming for her? And Georgia trusts this mentally unstable woman to represent them?

I’m all for taking defense into your own hands – there isn’t a member of my family that doesn’t own a firearm – but guns belong in a safe, not in the silverware drawer. It all begs the question, when does it go from preparedness into full-blown paranoia?

Adding to her obvious confusion, Greene continued her tirade, showing her age and railing against gas prices, blaming Harris for the $1 increase over the last four years and calling for a reduction in cost and a return to the days of $1.75 gas. The last time national gas averages hit anywhere near that number was briefly in March of 2016. Before that, it was in January 2009.

X users were also unimpressed by Greene’s antics. Her comments were loaded with disinterested bystanders, “No one in America is intimidated by you,” one wrote. “Y’all are so weird,” said another, quoting Tim Walz’ now-iconic drag.

Many commenters were stuck on the caliber of weapon she was holding, how she was holding it, or pointing out that she was casually pointing her firearm off of the back porch with the safety turned off. Even those in support of her posturing couldn’t help but point out, “That’s not the best body position for that type of shot, MTG”

But more than any other comment was the overwhelming question, “What are you so scared of?” It’s a question we may never know the answer to, but that fear controls many Republicans and influences them to pick candidates like Greene – or her equally cringy crony Lauren Boebertwho have little policy work but an abundance of posturing posts.

But hey, at least Greene knows that practice makes perfect. If only she would practice keeping her mouth shut and doing her job rather than shooting or stabbing her imaginary enemies.