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Is Katie Britt legitimately crazy or is she a robot? The claims, explored

I, Republican.

U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) speaks at a press conference on border security at the U.S. Capitol on December 07, 2023 in Washington, DC. The group of Republican Senators held a press conference calling for enhanced border security.
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Just when you think there can’t be any more of them left to crawl out of the woodwork, another of the GOP’s — let’s call ’em — colorful characters emerges. Say hello to Senator Katie Britt (R-AL).

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Although it looked like Marjorie Taylor Greene’s impression of a screeching gibbon or Joe Biden’s meme-worthy faces might steal the show, that dubious accolade actually goes to the aforementioned Senator from Alabama who served up the Republican Response to President Biden’s State of the Union address. Britt might not have been a politician who was all that familiar to the entire nation before March 7, but now that has certainly changed thanks to her… unique oratory style.

It’s so unique, in fact, that there are now various conspiracy theories swirling around about Britt, with her mental wellbeing, suitability for the job, and even her very humanity called into question.

Why do people think Katie Britt is crazy?

The concerns for Katie Britt’s psychological stability all stem from her 17-minute speech in response to Biden’s State of the Union address. Delivered from her kitchen in her Montgomery, Alabama home, Britt was perhaps chosen by the Republicans to deliver the important address to the American people due to her youth, camera-friendly looks, and her apparently sunny disposition. However, once she started talking, it became clear that the result was far from what the Republicans, and probably Britt herself, had intended.

From her awkward, robotic delivery, full of breaths and random dramatic pauses, to her vacant stare and fixed smile that somehow looked less realistic than Happy Thanos, it’s unclear whether Britt actually managed to convince anyone to vote Republican. However, she certainly convinced much of the internet that she may be the worst actor they’ve ever witnessed.

Coming to Lifetime this December: A Very Katie Britt Christmas. Unfortunately, though, she lost the audition to Lacey Chabert.

Stephen King, please stand up and take responsibility for unleashing Britt on the world.

That escalated very quickly, even if Britt talks weirdly slowly.

If the Netflix logo and the “tudum” sound had appeared at the end of the speech, and it turned out to be a promo for the next season of Black Mirror, no one would’ve blinked an eye.

Politicians are often accused of being insincere, but Britt seems to have taken the knack to a whole other level. We’ve not seen since oddly android-like acting since Dakota Johnson told us about the guy who studied spiders in the Amazon with her mom before she died. The overall inhuman ethos has got people wondering if Britt is genuinely OK, given that she comes across as an alien who’s only learned how to imitate human reaction from watching Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs. But, she’s not actually crazy and/or a robot… is she?

Ok, but… is Katie Britt crazy?

No, Katie Britt is not crazy — or, at least, some might say that she’s no crazier than any Trump-aligning politician. Britt posted a video of herself minutes before her speech began in which she converses and acts like an actual normal human being so we have confirmation that she does not live her regular life like she’s auditioning for a Stepford Wives reboot.

Clearly, Britt’s performance during the Republican Response was just that: An attempt at acting by someone who, by the looks of it, hasn’t taken an acting class since middle school. In real life, Britt appears to be someone who adopts a bubbly disposition so she was perhaps uncertain at portraying the more serious parts of her speech, hence her mismanaged moments of intended pathos that ended up having all the gravitas of a gravy commercial. Nerves may well have had something to do with it, although Britt seems rather collected and prepared in this behind-the-scenes video.

Trump may have declared Britt a “fearless America First warrior” in the past but now she’s American’s first most feared woman. To many, it’s scarier that she’s not crazy or a robot, as that means that she actively decided to come across like that. Did SNL pay her to give them something to work with? Let the new conspiracy theory begin!