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Marjorie Taylor Greene being cursed out at a Virginia rally might be the funniest thing you see all day

That bad built butch body couldn't scamper away fast enough.

MTG Virginia rally
Image via @mtgreenee/Twitter

The world is wising up to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics, and its not sitting well with the utterly incompetent Georgia Representative.

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Greene was never anything but an inconsequential idiot, but she did a good enough job at mimicking a person with a brain that a number of people — including those that elected her — were fooled. For several years, she’s kept up a good enough façade to maintain support among people with a similar number of brain cells (see: two), but even that meager support is starting to bleed away.

The freshly 50-year-old Congresswoman recently visited Virginia to tout her inane, brainless talking points to a fresh audience, and found a thoroughly unwilling crowd upon arrival. She was met with broad derision from Virginia natives, many of whom showed up with signs and harsh words for the petulant House member.

Its not an uncommon reaction to a visit from Greene, but the scathing response has been seen by far more eyes thanks to the strange decision by Greene to share footage of the unfriendly welcome on her own social media. Seemingly thinking the clip would stir up sympathy among her dwindling supporters, Greene shared footage of a furious Virginia crowd shouting “go home” and “no hate in our state” to her account on X (formally Twitter), but was met with little support.

Greene and her entourage of smirking MAGA minions responded to the scathing signs and furious chants with a response that stretched her intellect to the absolute limits. Their shouts of “Trump” did little to drown out the crowd — despite Marge’s megaphone — leaving her with little choice but to flee the furious crowd.

The clip arrived on Greene’s page on June 6 with a massive reach of a caption, which labeled the left side of the aisle “the party of violence and the party of hate.” She pinned blame for a range of issues, like gas prices and grocery costs, on President Biden — who she labeled “dementia ridden” — and proclaimed that “They’re scared of me and anyone who fights alongside me.”

The only thing we’re scared of, Garbage Bag Greene, is you getting another term. And not because of your failed policies or idiotic attempts at relevance, but because of your efforts to erase our democracy in favor of an Oompa Loompa dictatorship. The only thing you’re good for, other than whining and starting fights with more respectable Representatives, is licking Trump’s boots — so maybe find your way out of Virginia and into your orange-tinted king’s mudroom.