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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s rancid rhetoric continues with claim that Steve Bannon is being held ‘hostage’ by ‘Communist Democrats’

Does she know the difference between 'hostage' and 'inmate?'

Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s propped up a bunch of BS across her political career, but the latest drivel may take the cake. 

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The deranged Congresswoman and utter embarrassment of a human being has been worked up about the incoming consequences her colleagues are facing, and her ire rose to an 11 following the start of Steve Bannon’s prison sentence. The former strategist under Donald Trump was slapped with a four-month sentence for refusing to comply with a Congressional investigation, and he’s facing the music.

If you ask Marge, however, he’s being heartlessly persecuted by the democrats, not facing up to the repercussions his own actions prompted. Had Bannon not been a stubborn ass about his subpoena, he wouldn’t be in this position, but it turns out that — even among the responsibility-dodging Trump toadies — actions do, in fact, have consequences.

Greene refuses to acknowledge that, of course, so now she’s working to change the narrative, by claiming that Bannon is both a “great American patriot and fighter” and a “political hostage of the Communist Democrat Party.”

He’s not a hostage, babes, he’s an inmate. Does that mean that every criminal currently serving jail time counts in Greene’s books as a political prisoner? I’d guess not, because that wouldn’t suit her narrative, but it would seem to align with what the brainless quack is rattling off over at X.

Really, Marge is just using incendiary language in order to distract from the fact that this is nothing but a political plug. It’s not even in support of Bannon — in fact, she just seems to be leveraging the Trump loyalist’s prison sentence into a push to shift Connecticut’s 5th district red. Noting that fewer democrat protesters showed up than expected, Greene took their absence to mean that CT-05 is already practically a republican district. She urged people to shift it all the way red this November and even used Bannon’s current situation as a blatant tool to get her point across.

It’s surprisingly heartless, even from someone like Greene, to manipulate a situation that she supposedly sees as unfair to get a point across. Sure, we all know Bannon earned those four months (and plenty more), but still. At least pretend that you care about his life beyond how it can be exploited in your favor, Marge.

The tacky post was quickly drowned out by commenters, who rushed to blast Greene and invite the Congresswoman to “join him in prison if you’re going to miss him so much.” Blasting both Greene and her imprisoned bestie as “traitors,” people made their lack of patience for the 50-year-old’s antics clear.

Quite a few comments keep things succinct — simply pointing out that “Steve Bannon is a criminal”— but others took the time to really lay into the inmate. There’s simply no beating responses like “Steve Bannon is the child of a cigarette butt and a used douche,” which really displays the level of “over it” many people in the country have reached.

We’ll be here for awhile if the MAGAs have anything to say about it. At least we’ve got another shot at removing Trump from the running, and several of his pathetically inept followers from office, when the next election arrives this November.