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Mark Hamill redefines ‘MAGA’ after Donald Trump’s truly awkward almost-kiss with a MUCH younger woman

Mark Hamill knows what's up.

Donald Trump and Mark Hamill
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images Tiffany Rose for Make-A-Wish

After years of being Luke Skywalker, you know you can rely on Mark Hamill to call out some Sith-like behavior when he sees it.

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We’re already well aware that Donald Trump is a predatory individual — the guy just has a negative aura that causes psychic damage whenever you look at him. Speaking at Turning Point USA, the convicted criminal was seen trying to give a smooch to a woman much much younger than him. 

Trump, who recently celebrated his 78th birthday, leaned in to give the woman a kiss, but misses, the woman unsure of what’s going on leans in, but then recoils quickly and walks off stage. Perhaps it was the rancid smell that made her pull away so fast. Anyway, the whole thing looks like a failed quick-time event playing out in real life. He even tries to recover by awkwardly giving two thumbs up as he returns to the podium.

It really is a difficult watch, I can feel the cringe literally coming through my screen and I know Mark Hamill feels the same way. The Star Wars actor came up with a new definition for MAGA which seems much more appropriate for Trump given his behavior.

Yeah, we’re definitely all gagging after watching that, you can literally see the glossy sheen of sweat on his face, I can just imagine how bad he must smell just by looking at him. The gross moment has certainly led to disgust amongst a lot of people online with replies calling him a “creep” and a “disgusting sweaty-lipped narcissistic pervert,” (that one’s my personal favorite). There’s also this legendary response which references one of Trumps rants about electric boats and sharks from earlier in June.

I would say poor girl, but when you swim with sharks, you get a bit…or electrocuted. All depends on the proximity of electric boats and whether they are sinking or not.

When all’s said and done, the man is fast approaching his eighties, he’s married, has kids, and allegedly craps himself daily. Why is he getting all touchy-feely with someone who’s young enough to be his granddaughter?