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‘No wonder your children are criminals’: After bombing a debate with her rival, Lauren Boebert attempts a Biden blast that fizzles as quickly as her reputation

The good old rage bait and switch tactic.

Lauren Boebert (R-CO) pays her respects to former Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS) as he lies in state at the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol
Photo by Michael Reynolds - Pool/Getty Images

In a masterclass in deflection (actually, what’s the opposite of masterclass?), Lauren Boebert has followed up a reportedly terrible debate performance by shifting attention to Joe Biden. The politician and Beetlejuice superfan recently went toe-to-toe on the debate stage with her Democratic opponent, Trisha Calvarese, and video footage shows Boebert at the receiving end of multiple burns about her stance on multiple topics. 

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The debate took place in Littleton, Colorado as part of Boebert’s reelection campaign, and Calvarese did her darndest to ensure her rival’s record was exposed. Among other snipes, Calvarese took aim at Boebert for voting against the PACT Act bill, which supports US veterans. “We definitely have different priorities,” Calvarese quipped, “because I believe we should take care of our veterans, always.”

Calvarese also took Boebert to task for her stance against lowering the cost of prescription drugs, delivering a thoughtful argument to which Boebert replied: “Are you done?”. The tit-for-tat continued off the debate stage, too, with Calvarese writing on X that Boebert “melted down” during the debate and was “floundering to try to defend her disgraceful record” on the debate topics. “She was held accountable for her extremism,” Calvarese declared. 

In a hilarious maneuver, Calvarese also challenged Boebert to another debate at the Buell Theatre, the very location where Boebert was kicked out of a showing of Beetlejuice. That’s some Real Housewives-level shade, but Boebert hasn’t used her lackluster debate performance as a learning tool, and is instead back to her same old tactics. 

Rather than address some of the key issues raised by Calvarese, Boebert returned to her favorite punching bag. She reshared a clip of Biden at a recent White House press briefing, and claimed the president was in a “fake White House set.” Boebert’s go-to when things aren’t going her way? Attack Biden and spout false claims, of course! 

In 2021, the idea that Biden was using a fake White House set was quickly debunked, but Boebert never lets the truth get in the way of a needless tweet. It’s also worth noting that the X post Boebert replied to — which claimed Kamala Harris has already moved into the Oval Office — has also not been confirmed.

Naturally, many X users took the rage bait (it’s just so fun!), taking to Boebert’s replies to remind her that her orange icon also sat in front of what looked like a desk from Temu for press briefings, and that perhaps her energy would be better focussed on her son’s criminal case

She certainly loved addressing the case around Biden’s son, so why the radio silence when it’s her own child? In any case, I’m off to watch Beetlejuice to quell all the rage bait and prepare for the sequel.